There is a magical moment in parenting that I like to think of as the “Reset and Rest” Period. This moment doesn’t come around that often, but when it does it gives me a chance to breathe and feel like a great parent (if only for a few minutes.)
- When my toddler has just gone potty.
- When I’ve just changed the baby’s diaper.
- When I’ve just nursed the baby.
- When I’ve managed to get my toddler to eat a healthy and filling meal.
- When the toddler has had enough to drink (but not too much that he’ll need to pee in 2 minutes).
- When both kids have just woken from a nap and are in a good mood.
- When everyone is dressed and clean.

Then I can Rest. Once all of the above are complete all at the same time this means I have NO NEEDS to expect in the next 10-45 minutes, at least. Hence, hitting Reset.
I won’t hear “Mom- POOPY!” or “Hungry, thirsty, strawberries please.” No one will be clawing at my chest for milkies. I won’t have to bounce a baby to sleep or read 5 books and hold hands with a toddler for a nap.
I don’t have to worry that something sticky is going to get transferred to something formerly not sticky.
The basic needs of my children are satisfied. I am “off duty” so to speak. This doesn’t keep the kids from demanding my attention in other ways, however.
When this happens I usually don’t know what to do with myself, but I do take the time to pat myself on the back for keeping everyone alive and meeting their basic needs yet again.
That really is the cycle. You feed, clothe, change, wash, potty, nap, feed, change, wash, potty, bed…… Even when the magical Reset button is pushed there is never a Pause. That moment is so fleeting that it may as well not exist. It is the same kind of moment before I had kids when all of my dishes were washed and put away and the laundry was clean and in drawers- it never lasted more than a few minutes but it was magical and fulfilling when it occured. Still- I try to remember in this “good” time why I love my kids because the next “bad” time will have me cursing to myself and wondering “Why on Earth do people make little humans?”
I don’t recall the last time I just sat. Sitting usually includes working, or rocking and feeding a baby, or cuddling a toddler while kissing a boo boo. Even if I do sit still my mind will be working on the next thing on the to-do list.
I’m OK with that. It comes with the territory. It takes a lot of selflessness to be a {good} parent. (Frankly, I don’t consider myself a great parent, but I’m not a terrible one, so I’ll settle for “good”)
And usually, when the Reset and Rest Period finally happens I can guarantee you that I need to Eat or Pee (but probably both.)