If you love Tots Bots (who doesn’t?) then today I am going to make you very happy!  It has been a couple of years since Tots Bots had a US distributor.  Being that Tots Bots is from the UK that was definitely a drag for retailers who had to wait longer to get their orders in.  If you tried ordering an out of stock print it could be quite a while before your favorite store had it back again!  The GREAT news is that they have one now and it is none other than the family behind the beloved store The Green Nursery!

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About tiny marigold:

For Scott and Abby Noroozi, two American kids growing up in the heartland, it was love at first sight.  She was 18, and he was 17. In 1999 they married in their hometown of Terre Haute, Indiana and moved into a sweet, little rental house on Marigold Road.  They still have fond memories of those times.

In 2005 Scott and Abby welcomed their first child, and he was the perfect reason to move back to Indiana and embark on new entrepreneurship adventures!  In 2007 they opened a tiny two room store in the crunchy college town of Bloomington, Indiana and called it Barefoot Kids.  To keep it exciting, they added a baby girl to the family in 2008.  Barefoot Kids grew out of itself, and after a few years and tweaks – it turned into The Green Nursery, Inc.  A website and storefront specializing in cloth diapers and eco-minded products and toys.

Today, the evolution continues, as Scott and Abby transfer their knowledge of customer service, extraordinary shipping practices, and savvy marketing/branding to launch a new branch of their brand. The couple behind The Green Nursery is channeling that first happy home they made together on Marigold Road and launching Tiny Marigold, a mindful distributing company.  
If you are interested in becoming a TotsBots stockist with Tiny Marigold, give them a shout support@tinymarigold.com
“We are chuffed to bits, it took us a while but we wanted to get it right. Scott and Abby are such an awesome team, we love their energy, outlook, work ethic, commitment to customer service and just know they will do great things with our brand. We are expecting a summer of fluffy love for TotsBots, especially with the things we have planned, the imminent release of the 2015 Elements print range is just the start.” Fiona and Magnus Smyth – Directors of Tots Bots
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Want even more good news?  Of course you do!

The NEW Elements are here!

“Brace your bottoms and hold onto your ovaries folks as we introduce our 3 new Elements prints for spring/summer 2015. We think that every little bum deserves a fluffy lining and you can’t get fluffier than this! Meet Twinkle, Tweet and Treasure! Bright, beautiful and totally adorable, these prints are perfect for you folks who like to keep things simple. We actually had a lot of fun designing these and some of you may have seen these characters before…Treasure is the rainbow from Incy, Twinkle is the moon from Hey Diddle and Tweet is from the birdies in Sing a song of Sixpence.
These will be available to buy from your favourite TotsBots U.S. retailer around the 10th of April. Available in Easyfits, Teenyfits and Wraps. Full details of the products at www.totsbots.com.”

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Win it!  To celebrate the launch Totsbots have teamed up with the Dirty Diaper Laundry to give you the chance to win a set of Elements Easyfits!  Enter below using Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway