Over the years I have written about everything from cake pop recipes to potty training a toddler.  I shared my homebirth story and very personal posts about a regrettable decision I made for my first born son.  But one thing has remained constant over the years and that is my commitment to providing education and inspiration for current and future cloth diapering parents.

Sure, there are some days when I can barely muster enough inspiration to pull together a blog post.  I’m in the “If you don’t have enough to say, say nothing at all” camp when it comes to blogging.  Other days I have so many ideas I can hardly decide how to get them all done!  But why did I decide to start a blog about cloth diapers?  I assure you that there is no fame or fortune to be had in cloth diaper blogging.
I blog because I love cloth diapers

    I’m here to help YOU with the overwhelming decisions that a new to cloth diapers parent faces.
    I’m here to prove cloth diapers have a {big} place in this world.
    I’m here to answer your questions aboutleaksfit, sizes, styles, closures, brand, etc, etc, etc.
    I’m here to research the cloth diaper past and honor our grandmothers who HAD to use them.
    I’m here to help you discover new brands and stores.
    I’m here to help more babies get into cloth diapers no matter what their parents’ budget may be.

I’m here.  Every week.  Doing what I do best and what I love: cloth diapers.

I do it all because it’s something I really believe in.  I wouldn’t waste my time otherwise.  Yes, I make money from blogging.  Did I start a blog to earn an income?  Heck no!  I didn’t even know that was a possibility!  I wanted to show the world what a modern cloth diaper looked like, how it worked, how it fit, how cute they could be, and that there was a world out there beyond disposables.

What does the future hold for Dirty Diaper Laundry?

I’m staring down the barrel of a potty training toddler.  (I’d recommend wearing safety goggles in this case, those toddlers tend to aim poorly.)  My sweet little baby Everett is 20 months old.  He’s been using the potty a few times a day for a while.  We are still ECing (elimination communication) since he isn’t initiating the visits, but with time he is definitely going to potty train.

A large portion of my website is based on my personal experience with cloth diapers and my reviews.  With no baby in need of diapers I’ll be hard pressed to REVIEW them.  I’m concocting a way to keep bringing you the videos and reviews you know me for.  I’ll still bring you informational articles written from my perspective and will also look to find contributing writers.

Lately I’ve been really focusing on research.  I have a B.A. in History and find anything related to the history of cloth diapers fascinating.  I want to turn my late night research into something.  A documentary, a book, a series of blog posts?  Something will result from my interests and ideas.  In the mean time please follow me on Pinterest to keep up with my pins about The History of Cloth Diapers.

Dirty Diaper Laundry will always be around.  The archived videos and cloth diaper information will be here forever and I plan on continuing to add more content.  For now, I still have a baby in cloth diapers so you aren’t getting rid of me just yet!  In the meantime I really and truly appreciate your emails, comments, pins, tweets, facebook shares, google +1’s, and forum posts about Dirty Diaper Laundry.  I rely on your support to help introduce new readers to my blog so please continue sharing the content you love to help keep it going.  And for the love of Pete, share the Cloth Diaper Finder with all of your cloth diapering friends.  I’d really love that!

I wrote this post after attending Type-A Parents Conference and hearing Katherine Stone of Postpartum Progress say “Write on a piece of paper why you started your blog and re-visit it any time you are lost” or something to that effect. All the bloggers shook their heads in agreement when she also said that emails from readers have been the reason she continues. I feel the same way. If you are reading this and feel like I or another blogger has helped you in some way- let them know! You never know how much they might need that little email. I’ve been saved from giving up many times after a kind reader emailed just to say thanks.