There seems to be a few different categories of cloth diapering moms. They are by no means mutually exclusive, I myself fall into a few, but in varying degrees. These are observations I have made since diving headfirst into many different cloth diapering communities.

1. The Frugal Cloth Mama: This mama cloth diapers to save some green. Her initial interest stemmed from either wanting to save money or NEEDING to save money due to financial distress. This mom may not be concerned with the cutest diapers, but with what works and that she can afford.


    This mom most likely uses: prefolds, PUL covers, Fleece Covers, Wool Covers, DIY or WAHM made diapers.

2. The Environmental Mama: This mama decided to cloth diaper because she was concerned about the waste produced by disposables. She is probably worried about the chemicals in the disposables as well, and loves cloth because it keeps her baby’s bum rash free (who doesn’t?)

    This mom most likely uses anything out there, though she may be more likely to pick diapers made from organic fibers like organic bamboo velour fitteds and wool covers.

3. The Fashionable Mom: This mom decided to cloth diaper because she couldn’t resist the amazing array of cute fluff! The patterns, the colors, the styles!!! Who wouldn’t want to cloth diaper with the choices out there today?

    This mom most likely uses fitteds (Goodmamas) and covers or AIO’s or Pockets in colorful colors and patterns.

4. The Underground Fluff Addict: This mama is in it for the thrill of the hunt. She probably didn’t start cloth diapering to stalk hyena cart but she is hooked now! She will stalk BSRB, Goodmama, Muttaquin, or the other “underground” cloth designers who have limited quantities and numerous fans. This mama may even pay 70.00 for a certain diaper whose print is no longer available. AND this mom probably has matching sets custom made to coordinate with her diapers. This mom is definitely not in cloth diapering to save money!

    This mom most likely uses Goodmama, Muttaquin, Bagshot Row Bamboo, PB and Ellie, Cranky Pants, Sustainable Babyish, and way more than I can name!