If you have been visiting my blog from the get go you will notice many, many changes.  It has and will always be a work in progress.  What blog or website isn’t?  The two new recent developments:  I am part of the BlogHer ad network, and I am blogging for Justmommies.com.  For people visiting my site directly the only change visible is the new ad network.  If you are stopping over from Justmommies.com then “Welcome!”


I joined JM when I was pregnant.   I first started posting on the Gestational Diabetes board.  At the time I thought my life was ending.  No more carbs!!!  But I realized it is completely manageable and would end at delivery.  Reading those posts helped.  At about the same time I started posting newbie questions on their Cloth Diapering forum.   What a resource that board was and still is for me.  Cloth Diapering is such an overwhelming idea at first.  It takes a lot of online research to understand.  Not many people have stores or classes in their area they can take, which is why that forum was so amazingly helpful and the women are all wonderful.

I never posted in the Due Date Club- November 2008 while I was pregnant.  I was intimidated by how close the women seemed to be; they had bonded since they found out they were pregnant in most cases, and I didn’t want to intrude.  I did lurk when I found JM; many of their stories helped me personally.  One in particular was heartbreaking.  I decided to take the plunge and introduce myself after my son was born.  I really needed support from other moms going through the exact same situation.  I am so glad I did!  

I love all of the women on my “Playroom” as it is called now that all of our babies are here.  I can’t imagine my life now without obsessively refreshing our PR to see new posts!  While sometimes I wish I never found them since my housework has suffered immensely.  

Now on JM I visit my PR, the Cloth Diapering board, The Arts and Crafts board, Breastfeeding, and occasionally Attachment parenting (I don’t post on AP, just lurk).  My advice to anyone reading this who isn’t active on JM: try it out!  If you don’t like it, don’t go back.  Oh, and no drama!  JM is a drama free community 🙂