Yesterday I took a tally of all of my diapers.  I have a lot!  Enough to not wash every 2 days, but I end up doing it anyway. Why, you ask? Because my stupid diaper pail is so small. Only 2 days worth of diapers fit.

The manufacturers of cloth diapers suggest washing every 2 days to keep the diapers in good condition. Who has time for that? Now I am wondering if I should buy a larger pail to hold more diapers.  I am conflicted!

The smaller pail keeps me on my toes, I will never run out of diapers on my wash schedule.  If I start going longer I could end up waiting too long.  And there is the possibility of harming the diapers.

So what to do?

How often do you wash your diapers?  Is it because your pail is full, you are running low, or other reasons?