Tiny Tush Elite 2.0- Daycare Friendly

The Tiny Tush Elite is a great cloth diaper to be used in a daycare setting or for when your child is in the care of others less familiar with cloth.  As part of my ongoing “Cloth in Daycare” series this month I am highlighingt cloth diapers that work well in daycare.  Below is my video explaining the many reasons I chose this diaper to be included.

The Elite offers a Velcro closure which makes applying the diaper on a baby as easy as a disposable.  They also have a snaps version.  Usually when daycares accept cloth diapers they ask for a one piece system.  All-in-One diapers are costlier but the Tiny Tush Elite is a pocket.  As a parent you will want to pre-stuff the pockets and pack them in your bag for the day along with wet bags to store the dirty diapers.  This makes it as easy as a disposable on and off for anyone else concerned.

tiny_tush_calloutsTiny Tush Elite’s are One Size fits most so they should last your baby for the majority of their diapering days.  Once you realize the diaper needs to be sized up as your baby grows make sure you adjust all of your diapers before sending them with your baby to daycare.

Because the Tiny Tush Elite is a pocket diaper make sure to remove the insert at least partially before washing them.  Your daycare provider might not take this step unless you instruct them to.  As for solid waste you can either pre-pack your Elite’s with a flushable liner for easy disposal.  Some daycares will shake out the solid waste but many will not.  I added a handy tip in the video- if you stuff your pockets where the tag is facing the pocket opening you can grab that tag and use it to remove the insert.  This will keep your hands much cleaner and drier than grabbing the insert itself.

The reason I love Tiny Tush is that they truly care about every baby being in a cloth diaper.  Not only that, but they make sure the cloth diapers they are making are manufactured in the US.  In my years at DDL there are few companies who can match Tiny Tush’s enthusiasm for and dedication to cloth diapering.

You can find Tiny Tush Elite 2.0’s at TinyTush.com or use their website to locate a retailer.

If you’d rather win one I have a giveaway too!  Tiny Tush will give one lucky DDL reader a Tiny Tush Elite 2.0 in snaps or velcro (winner choose closure and solid color).  Enter using the Rafflecopter below.

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