Harper and I have had a very busy month with baby showers to attend, birthday parties, and visits from out of town guests. Our most anticipated visitor, Harper’s godmother, is such a fixture in her life (even from afar) that she reached out with both arms for a hug when she arrived. I find it amazing that although some people fall out of your life even when they live just down the street, others will always be a huge part of it no matter where they are. Harper’s godmother is that kind of person, they already have such a special bond, and I’m so happy she’ll have a wonderful and intelligent woman she can turn to for advice and guidance when she’s older if she is nervous asking me. Do you have someone in your child’s life (and yours) that you depend on and trust whole heartedly? I’m lucky to have a lot of family living close to us, but I still feel like Harper’s godmother is someone we couldn’t live without, and I consider her a part of our family, too.


Today I’m reviewing the Tidy Tots one size set and cover you likely saw a preview of during Kim’s visit to the ABC Expo in Vegas. It consists of a waterproof cover with highly elasticized gussets, a hemp insert, a hemp booster, and a flushable liner made from cornstarch to ease the cleaning of those really messy diapers.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Ease of Use ✩✩✩[/typography] This diaper set does require more prep work then most of the diapers we use. You have the option of leaving the hemp booster out if you prefer, but Harper likes to stay extremely hydrated in our Florida heat so I enjoy the added confidence of including it.  So, as part of my laundry routine, I prep the diapers. I stuff a booster into the insert first. This is easy, the insert has a slit down the length of it so anyone can do it, regardless of the size of their hands. It also means the booster will agitate out of the insert on its own in the wash, so you don’t have to touch it until it’s clean again. Next, you wrap a disposable liner over the insert, making sure the snaps on the back of each corner are covered as well. There are some small pieces of hook and loop tape on the back to help with correct alignment. Finally, you can snap the liner covered snaps into place on the cover. At this point I fold and store my diaper like normal and it is just as easy to use (if not easier) than any other diaper, but with the added convenience of the liner and the reusable cover. I think the extra prep work is worthwhile if there is a likelihood that the diaper will be soiled, it does make laundering much simpler.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Bang for the Buck ✩✩✩[/typography] An Essential Set will run you 99.95 for 2 covers, 4 inserts, 4 boosters, and a roll of 100 disposable liners. This is a great option if you’re curious about Tidy Tots but not ready to commit to a complete stash. The Great Start Kit is 269.95 and includes 6 covers, 12 inserts, 8 boosters, and 100 disposable liners. A cover can be reused several times before laundering, and the snaps at the corners of the insert make it easy to change out a soiled or damp liner without touching anything unpleasant. So theoretically, a Great Start Kit would get you through a dozen changes before you need to do laundry. Doing the math makes any sticker shock much more palatable, especially if you calculate how much your stash (or your friend’s if you’re just starting out) cost. It’s still a high upfront cost, but working with interchangeable covers means less laundry and lower utility bills. The disposable liners save you, too, since you won’t be using all that water from your diaper sprayer on those really daunting diapers. Individual covers can also be purchased for 19.95 if you’d like to boost your current stash with something new.

(Note from Kim- If you like the covers you can use pad folded flats so save costs on the whole system. The entire line is Made in the USA and they employ people with disabilities which can take longer.  To me, the covers are the star of the system since they are so well made using the highest quality PUL and stitching.  Ev loves the dino print and wears it at night sometimes.)

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Performance ✩✩✩✩✩[/typography] These diapers are practically bullet proof. I would easily recommend these to any parents who are having issues with leaky diapers and don’t want to use wool covers or fitted diapers. Tidy Tots diapers provide the most absorbency I have ever experienced with a cover system. The gussets do a great job holding in any potential compression leaks and I love that I’m putting 100% natural and anti-microbial hemp against my daughter’s skin. Even the disposable liners are made from cornstarch, which helps keep her delicate skin dry between changes.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Fit ✩✩✩✩[/typography] The Tidy Tots covers are available in three sizes. You can choose from newborn, one size, or extra large. The one size is made for babies approximately 10-40 lbs, and it features a “no fold” style that is very different. All the size adjustment is based on the fit of the hook and loop tape and in the extremely stretchy elastic gussets. I was dubious when I heard about this, but I can’t deny it fits Harper very well despite her slight frame. I do think the rise would be too high for an infant, which is why I’m so glad they offer a newborn size for bitty babies. I also love that the standard inserts work with the extra large (40 lbs and up) covers so you aren’t stuck buying a whole new system if your toddler outgrows his diapers before he potty trains.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Overall:[/typography] Tidy Tots has come up with an intriguing new system that goes a long way towards making cloth diapers tidier (Hey, that must be where the name came from… I just got that…) and they offer a lot of really fun colors and designs. Getting started is a bit of an investment, but you’re paying for quality and convenience, perfect for parents who are interested in cloth diapering but nervous about touching soiled diapers. Prepping is more time consuming then what I’m used to, but still takes only a minute or so and once assembled the diaper is solid and will not need adjusting or correcting.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Where to Buy:[/typography] You can order directly from Tidy Tots
