I have been away from home for over 2 weeks.  We have been staying with family in North Carolina for Thanksgiving.  Let me tell you, it has been terrible.  I didn’t realize how much different it is to have a mobile baby.  We were here last time when my son was just sitting up.  Now, he is crawling and cruising and getting into everything.  We are staying in a non babyproofed home and I am running around pulling him away from crystal, vases, electronics, lamps, cabinets, and plants.  Every second I have to have an eye on him.  If I don’t, he will be dead or severely injured.  Just 2 minutes ago my son almost ate a dead lady bug, then immediately went and stuck his hand in a coffee cup.  His hand was a hair away from getting in the coffee.  I am exhausted.

Then, there is the fact that we cosleep.  The family we are staying with has been vocally against this.  Frankly, I would rather not at this stage but my son has regressed to not even going to bed in the crib for the first 2-3 hours like he used to.  This means we have to lay him in our bed and make sure he doesn’t wake up and fall off.  Luckily he has never done that but this room is upstairs, unlike home.  I am glued to the monitor waiting for the slightest sound.  He wakes up a few times a night, and I am there for all of those times except maybe the first time around 11-12 at night.  It is paranoia to think of your baby upstairs on a bed without you.  I imagine how much trouble he can get into if he wakes up and crawls off the bed.  It might sound crazy that we do this but he literally won’t sleep in the pack and play here.  He could be dead asleep and be laid in the pack and play and wake right up. My son has sleeping issues.

I actually don’t have an issue cloth diapering while traveling.  At least not when I stay with family.  I packed plenty of diapers and have washed 3 times so far. No repelling this time either.  I think using cloth diaper specific detergent makes all the difference!

I am so ready to get back to my home.  But, as soon as we get home we are actually moving down the street so I dread the packing.  Then we get a nice new place to live that I can look forward to.  Wish us luck with the next month which is going to be busy busy!

Could someone please give me a full nights sleep for Christmas?  That would be the best gift of all!