6 months ago I was petrified of my husband changing our cloth diapers.  No matter how many lessons I gave him before the baby arrived he seemed clueless.  “This is how you snappi the prefold” as I demonstrated on Mr. Teddy Bear.  A teddy and a baby are not exactly similar.  My husband was not happy with my decision to use prefolds until our Bum Genius 3.0 One Size pockets fit.  “Why do you put the prefold on, and then a cover?  Isn’t that twice the work?  Can’t we just use the Bum Genius now?”  Hah I wish.  In my extensive research, most parents agreed that the Bum Genius didn’t fit well without leakage issues until the baby reached 11-13 pounds.  I wasn’t planning on squirting one out that big so I bought prefolds in the meantime.  

Surprisingly, my husband did change our son.  He even used a snappi and prefold.  But, as soon as the Bum Genius fit, this is what he reached for.  Well, this created a new set of problems.  Anyone who has used them understands there are a few steps when taking them off.  First, you need to attach the velcro tabs to their laundry tabs to prevent a diaper chain when you wash.  Second, you need to remove the insert before placing it in the pail.  You could remove it as you wash but that is not my style.  There were other things he was doing that weren’t making my life easier.  Early on I was not using cloth wipes.  For some reason my husband would always leave the wipes lid open.  I would go in to change our son and half of the wipes were bone dry. Disposable wipes caused other issues for my husband, who could not seem to throw them in the trash, instead, they ended up in the wet bag and consequently were washed.  The most annoying thing he did was let the velcro tabs fall into the poop.  That was a pain to get poop out of velcro.  After almost going hoarse from reminding him of these points, I made this sign:


This sign hung above the changing table, to remind my hsband of the “do’s” and “don’ts” of using cloth diapers.


Where the Daddy Check List Hangs.  See my baskets full of fresh fluff laundry?


The removal of said list.


The throwing away of list.  *** Except after this photo op I remembered to recycle it heh***

So there ya have it folks!  My husband is officially trained, and no longer needs the Daddy Check List!  I need to make him a Cloth Diapering Degree.  He does not stuff pockets or do laundry, but he knows how to use snap diapers, velcro diapers, pockets, AIOs, prefolds with covers, “S” hook diapers, and how to tell a night time diaper apart from a day time diaper.  He still has his moments (fitteds still confuse him) but I love him for trying!!!  So congrats Daddy!  You have graduated Cloth Diaper School with Honors!