At a BWI Meeting

After attending a BWI (Babywearing International Meeting) and seeing a beautiful and comfortable Wrap Conversion (a wrap-long piece of woven fabric- cut and sewn together to make a Mei Tai) I knew I had to have one.  It seemed like it would solve some problems with comfort for longer time periods.  If you get a Wrap Conversion and keep the wrap straps then you have a wonderful hybrid- the ease of a Soft Structure Carrier (like the Ergo/Boba) and the comfortable and adjustability in the straps of a wrap.

One of the other reasons I wanted a Wrap Conversion Mei Tai (WCMT) was so that I could get a higher back carry.  I love back carries and they are more convenient for many occasions, but Everett hated being so low on my back and getting the view of the color shirt I was wearing.  I would attempt a high back carry in a woven wrap but I’ll admit that I’m not good enough!

I stalked The Baby Wearer’s FSOT for a WCMT.  Anytime one came up for sale it would either have a buckle, be a wrap I didn’t love, or I would love it and I would be too late.  In the meantime I posted my own beloved Beco Butterfly II in Scooters- a Hard to Find print that I stalked for over a year ago for my yet to be born baby Everett.  I love the print, it is still one of my favorites, but the carrier itself wasn’t comfortable enough and it never made it into my rotation.  I knew it was a sought after carrier so I posted it For Trade towards a WCMT and hoped for the best.

Honeycomb-esque Applique on the body

Stars aligned when a Scooters fan offered to trade my BBII towards a Wrap Conversion.  It gets confusing here but somehow this trade was for a brand new custom conversion.  I went for it, ordered the Dolcino Kreta wrap, paid another $100+ for the applique work (and upgraded to a hybrid waist and sweatshirt style hood) and waited.  My end goal was to have the carrier before I left for the ABC Kids Expo.  I needed a carrier I could wear Everett in for many hours at a time and I wanted him on my back.

The carrier made it just in time and I was able to practice with it before the show.  I did get him on my back and we walked around.  It was a very comfortable carrier.  I even carried an entire wooden glider from the basement around to the front of the house with him on my back- I am super woman!

When ABC Kids Came I packed her up and excitedly waited for my chance to wear Everett and show off the most beautiful carrier there.  It was handmade and totally custom to my design.

Instead- I gave myself “busted-arm syndrome” from carrying 20 pounds of baby around for 4 days straight and 6+ hours a day.

Long story short- Ev hated it.  He much preferred to be in a ring sling so I did get to wear him a little on my hip, or I put him in the new Boba 3G on my front.  I even wore him some in the Onya on my back and he enjoyed that the most.  But would he be caught dead in the $300 carrier I had made just for the conference?  Of course not!

That Expo was the hardest few days in recent memory.  There were other factors, not just the carrier.  Everett was overwhelmed and wanted to be held, not “worn.”  In all honesty he isn’t as into being worn as my first son was.  For Everett and I babywearing is a necessity for trips.  A convenience.  For Fletcher and I when he was younger I wore him because he loved it.  I would wear him just to get him to nap, or just for snuggles.  Everett is just not into that kind of babywearing.  I think I am still in denial…

Now I have the most beautiful carrier in the world just sitting in a giant Ikea bag in my coat closet along with my other carriers.  Unlike those other carriers, it never gets pulled out from hiding except every month or two when I decide to give it another chance.  Everett arches and squirms and I take him out.  It pretty much never sees the light of day like my Ring Slings and Soft Structure Carriers.

One day I’m going to ask my husband point blank- are we having another baby?  Because I need to know if I should let this carrier go to a loving home or if I should hoard it for baby #3.  I seriously hate to think that I have something this awesome that I will never get to use!  But after losing my son at Target last week (he ran off and dissapeared in .2 seconds…) it made my ovaries shrivel up so I may no longer be fertile.  For now I have to face facts: I am a Buckle Carrier (usually Boba) kinda girl.