The Cloth Diaper Finder- New Review System and Improvements

Dirty Diaper Laundry has recently improved the Cloth Diaper Finder to allow everyone to submit their own reviews.  And this just isn’t any review system!  With this tool you can rate a cloth diaper based on 5 categories on a 5 star system.  You can also use the sliding scales to represent your baby-this covers height, Skinny or chunky, light or heavy wetter, and even the span of time your baby has been using the diaper.  On top of that you can select the Pros and Cons from a handy list which will display along with your written review of 1,000 characters or less.  But wait, there’s more!  Reviewers can even add a photo of their baby/toddler in the diaper as a visual reference (or to show off that cute patootie).

Thumbnail of uploaded image. Can be clicked to enlarge.

Lastly, you get to say a simple “Yes, No, or Maybe I would buy this diaper again.”

A completed review ready for submitting!

Each diaper will have a review snapshot to give you the overall averages based on reviews submitted by users.  This snap shot will show the overall Star Rating averages, the top 3 Pros and Cons, and the percentage of people who would buy that diaper again or not.  This is a super simple way for cloth diaper users to find out if this diaper is for them or not.

And you can even sort the reviews by those voted “Most Helpful” by other users.

Example Review Summary
A view of a few submitted reviews.

It does sound complicated but it takes very little time to select the options.  The most time consuming portion is dependent on the reviewer and how much they want to write.

This system is all a part of the larger Cloth Diaper Finder- the ONLY all encompassing, searchable cloth diaper database.  With close to 200 cloth diapers the Cloth Diaper Finder lets users search for a diaper based on what they want to see.  Price Range, Diaper Type, Closure Type, Materials, even where the diaper was made.  There are infinite ways to search and the results are always fun!  It isn’t just for consumers- cloth diaper bloggers and retailers/manufacturers can easily get information on diapers by using this database.  Almost every tiny bit of information is included.

The details of one diaper

You can also sort your results by the Top Rated diapers.  If you decide you want to buy the diaper there is a Buy Me link to a retailer who carriers it or to the WAHM’s website.  I’ve also taken the liberty of including links to my video reviews for diapers who have been covered.  In addition, if you love my videos and are looking for videos for just Pocket Diapers, or just diapers with snaps, you can do that!  I don’t know if I could have crammed more into this thing if I tried!

After the initial launch I had a few changes made that were highly requested.  There is now a filterable option to select diapers with natural fibers (against the baby’s skin- this does not mean the entire diaper is made from Natural Fibers or that it is Organic), Side Snapping, and you can find which diapers are available in prints.  Another improvement is that you can select multiple Closure Types, Diaper Types, or Outer Material Types.

The results show up in list form and you can sort them by top rated as well.

Top 3 Results for "All-in-One"

I have filmed a guide to help you navigate the Cloth Diaper Finder and how to submit reviews.

A video walk through of how to get the most out of the Cloth Diaper Finder.

A video walk through of how to submit a review on the Cloth Diaper Finder.

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