A great list of the best fitted cloth diapers on the market- I need to try them all!
Fitteds hold a weird spot in the cloth diaper world- not quite a ready-to-wear diaper, not quite a cheap prefold.  They confuse all newbies because they often LOOK just like a waterproof diaper (many caregivers have found out they aren’t waterproof the hard way) and some of their price tags can be enough to scare parents away.

I decided to pull together a list of my favorite fitteds for every situation and price point.  The fact is I LOVE fitteds and you should too.  Having 2-3 in your stash can be just what the doctor ordered for overnight or for use when your little one has a rash.  A fitted without a cover is a good way to air out those tushies without leaving puddles on your rug.  If you don’t see your favorite fitted here or want to see what other fitteds exist check the- there are 41 currently listed in the database!

The Best Newborn Fitted- Kissaluvs Size 0 (KL0)



Ah yes… the infamous KL0 (Kissaluvs Size 0 for you newbies) is in virtually every newborn cloth diaper rental package for a good reason- it’s the perfect size and absorbency for newborns.  It works like a dream and it’s downright adorable.  There is an umbilical snap-down to protect the cord stump too.  Sadly the Kissaluvs brand just recently announced they’ll be closing their doors so grab these from retailers with stock while you still can.  Another option would be the Swaddlebees Newborn fitted.

The Budget Friendly Fitted- Cloth-Eez Workhorse


The Cloth-Eez Workhorse fitted from Green Mountain Diapers is a crowdpleaser even if it isn’t going to win a diaper beauty contest anytime soon.  Yes, it looks like a prefold in a diaper shape (it’s really the same material as prefolds so you’re not far off) but the consensus is that this diaper packs a huge bang for the buck- Diaper-Pin.com has it at a 4.7 rating!  Prices range from $5.50-$11.25 per size in bleached or unbleached.  A close second for budget friendly fitteds would be the Pooters brand.

The Legend for Overnight- Motherease Sandy


When it comes to overnight diapering fitteds are royalty in the cloth diapering world.  The long reigning legend would have to be the MotherEase Sandy fitted.  This magical fitted has been known to work for even the heaviest wetter and is best paired with their MotherEase Airflow covers or wool due to the old fashioned footprint they carry.  The good news is that they recently launched their TRIM Sandy fitted for modern parents put off by the bulky fit of the Sandy.  It’s still a good price at $18-21 compared to other comparable fitteds. Other brands to consider: Bamboozle from Tots Bots.

The Name Synonymous With Fitteds- sustainablebabyish



Sustainablebabyish isn’t an easy brand name to say but we all know it, right?!  The brand has been making fitteds that their customers can’t get enough of since 2009.  While their popularity has gone up and down through the years their fitteds are the first to be mentioned in any online thread about the style of diaper.  There are MANY styles and options to choose from and they’re all very absorbent.  Their price tags can be hefty at around $24-35 each.  Also look at the Sweet Pea fitteds.


The Fancy Fashionable Fabulous Fitted- Orange Diaper Co.

Orange Diaper Co Fitted

F.F.F.F’s- those that have printed fabrics on the outside- are usually considered too pretty to cover up.  The good news is you don’t ALWAYS have to use a cover with fitteds during the daytime and if you own Orange Diaper Co. fitteds you’ll want to use covers as little as possible.  Their fitteds are some of my favorites for their style choices and design.  Follow their Instagram and drool on… Goodmama Fitteds really created this category but Orange Diaper Co. has my heart.

The WAHM Hybrid Showstopper- ZCreationz 


This is a crowded category- the HYBRID Fitted is a relatively new concept that takes a regular fitted and adds a hidden layer of fleece.  This enables the fitted to be worn without a cover for longer stretches of time!  While it was hard to choose one WAHM to spotlight I had to give it up to ZCreationz and her magnificent, high quality hybrid fitteds.  Superior construction, high quality materials, and fabulous prints make this brand stand out from the crowded marketplace.   Another popular brand to try would be Binky D.

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