We got back from Texas on Sunday.  It was a long day which began at 3:30 am and lasted until 5:30 pm.  2 flights and a 1.5 hour car ride home.  I am lucky that my son is a great traveler and has always been great on the plane.  We visited my husband’s grandmother.  She is having good days and bad days, but unfortunately she doesn’t have a lot of time left.  She was so happy to see my son.  Out of all of her grandchildren he is the only blonde one, hence his name “The Golden Boy.”

We packed for this trip in less than an hour but I still made sure to bring my cloth diapers.  We were staying at family’s so we had easy access to a washer.  I packed fairly light.  Usually I have 20+ diapers, this time I only took 8 diapers, but 10 total since one was an All in Two.  I tried grabbing All in Ones or diapers with inserts that agitated out.  This made laundry easier, so insert to stuff or hunt for.  In case you are interested, I took:

(2) Tots Bots Easy Fits

Drybees Hybrid AIO

Best Bottom with 3 inserts


Bum Genius Organic AIO

Bum Genius 3.0

Thirsties Duo

I didn’t pack detergent because I knew Kim from Rockin’ Green was based in San Antonio.  Speaking from previous experience, no ordinary detergent will do in the mineral heavy, hard water in Texas.  I had repelling issues last trip.  I wanted to buy some samples of Hard Rock for the trip and I did.  I didn’t have any issues and that was wonderful!  It was also a lot of fun to meet Kim, someone I have interacted with for a year or so on twitter.  I am seriously still in awe of what an amazing business woman she is because her company has exploded!

Other than visiting our family, some of whom came from North Carolina, and of course the others who live in Texas, we did the usual touristy stuff.  We took Fletcher to Schlitterbahn and he loved it!  We did some shopping and a lot of eating!  In fact, my OB appointment to check in on little Shrimpy was today and the P.A. said “Looks like your baby had a growth spurt.”  Yeah, we will say it the nice way and not, “Looks like you ate a crap load of tacos in Texas.”

While I was gone I had zero internet access, unless you count my iPhone.  Grandma’s house doesn’t have the internet!  I still have a lot of playing catch up to do.  I was supposed to send out the Operation Fluffy package last week but that will have to come this week.  I hope this will convince Ellen to put cloth diapers on her show.

Thanks for sticking around and waiting out my absence.  I will fix the Katydid video review as soon as I can as well!  Here are some pictures from the trip!

Grandma and Fletcher
Grandma and Fletcher
Fletcher and his "Cuncle" Leroy
Fletcher and his "Cuncle" Leroy