You may have noticed a few (ok, a lot) of things disappeared! I am aware of this and am trying to fix the problem. I am also going to extend the EcoStore giveaway since many of the ways you can enter have disappeared as well. My husband and I are working on the problem and will hopefully have it finished very soon. If anyone out there has experience with WordPress 2.8 making widgets disappear, let me know, because we are stumped.
The good news is: there are some fantastic posts in the works! I have filmed two new cloth diaper reviews: Happy Heiney One Size with Velcro, and Coolababy (the Ebay Diaper) One Size with Snaps. Coming soon are GAD (green acre designs) side snap pocket, Sweet Pea One Size with snaps, and Smartipants One Size. My son is looking forward to giving them an extensive trial.