Running a blog can be hard work.  Unlike many personal blogs, Dirty Diaper Laundry isn’t just about finding time to pound at the keyboard.  Video work, editing, audio dubbing, and posting written reviews and articles all take a tremendous amount of time.  Without the financial support of my advertisers and sponsors I would have had to give DDL up a long time ago.

I want to take some time to thank the people who keep coffee in my Starbucks cup and help to keep the lights on, so to speak.

Rockin’ Green and Diaper Lab are two of my longest advertisers.  They weren’t the very first but they were pretty close and are still with me!  I hope that means they like me.  I have been using Rockin’ Green since it first came out.  I still remember a time when RnG was not in practically every cloth diaper mama’s laundry room.  And, in one of my trips, I was able to visit Diaper Lab in Somerville, MA.  I remember their adorable Spring window display of stuffed bunnies in cloth diapers!

More thanks to Bamboobies, Peachy Green (Formerly Bright Star Baby), Fluffy Rump, AMP Diapers, Go Green Baby Company, Pumpease, My Baby Wears Cloth and Basic Baby.

I also want to send a huge thanks to those companies advertising on my database, Cloth Diaper Finder.  This website took thousands to build and continues to cost money with the complexity of the design.  When one thing breaks, 5 more things fail and only very skilled developers can handle the fixes and building.  It was my DREAM to build this database and seeing it come to life has been rewarding but far more challenging than I anticipated.  Advertising dollars from the Finder go right back into development and upkeep.  Modern Cloth, Monkey Doodlez, One Posh Baby, Mom’s Milk Boutique, Natural Pure Essentials, and more have helped me keep my dream alive.

I also give diaper companies who list their diaper using my Add My Diaper form the option of making a donation for being listed.  I’d like to thank those companies who kindly did so.  I don’t charge to add diapers because I’d love to add as many as possible, but I make this an option to help offset the time and cost of the website.

Another way I have been able to use the blog to either pay bills, or pay for itself, has been through affiliate sales.  I have been able to earn income and buy more diapers to review thanks to YOU ordering through my affiliates like Kelly’s Closet, Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique Diaper Junction and more, so THANK YOU!

I often marvel at the fact that I started this blog with the intention of periodically filming videos on diapers and posting them and seeing it turn into a resource for cloth diapering families that also helps out in the bill department once in a while.  Some months I swear I spend more ON the blog than I make, but then other months are better.  I just hope it all evens out.  I’ve been lucky to work with some amazing cloth diaper and eco-friendly companies over the years.  I will continue to work advertising into my blog in order to make it possible to keep DDL alive while still being ethical and as unobtrusive into the experience of reading the blog as possible.

If you love DDL please consider these companies when making your cloth diaper purchases (or reusable breast pad, hands free pumping bras, and all of the other goodies!) because they keep the coffee cup full.

If your company is interested in partnering with DDL you can fill out my form.and I’ll give you more information.