Sarah Van Bogart, founder, co-owner, and designer for SoftBums, has been sewing and designing diapers for over 12 years. She brings her unique experience as a mother of five, La Leche League leader and even training as a midwife to her products. She works hard to provide the best products she possibly can, because she knows how frustrating it is to have a diaper that fits badly, leaks or wears out after just a few months.
The SlideĀ²Size system is the result of years of designs and prototypes in Sarah’s quest to create the perfect one-size-fits-all diaper. It all started when one of Sarah’s friends bought a whole supply of small size diapers for their newborn son. They loved the diapers, but before long he had outgrown them all! They were so frustrated that they decided not to buy more diapers in a larger size and started using disposables instead. Sarah knew there had to be a better way and started working on her first one-size design. This was in 2003, and hundreds of prototypes and patterns later, the SoftBums one-size-fits-all diaper was born! …read more about Softbums.

It didn’t take long for Kim to learn about Softbums cloth diapers and review one for DDL in the very early days of the website. Softbums has often been referred to as the first All-in-Two though. Softbums has a unique “slide2size” adjustment making it the most versatile one size diaper on the market today. They have an All-in-two called Echo and their Pocket diaper/All-in-Two called Omni released after it. Softbums have had a great reputation amongst cloth diapering parents and many of their fans are brand loyal. Unlike most other one size cloth diapers, their one size does fit newborns quite well and DDL compared this fact in a video.
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DDL has reviewed both diapers by Softbums:[/typography]