I wish I could say I look back fondly at my cloth diaper using days but honestly, they were the WORST.  Here’s why

Everytime my son pooped I wouldn’t know it. Instead, the diapers held in the smells so well that I’d remove the diaper and be faced with a surprise poop. A surprise poop I was too lazy to prep for so I found myself on the floor reaching desperately for the closest wipes while trying to keep my toddler from moving and getting said poop all over the floor.

Those great excuses to leave the kids at home and make a glorious solo run to Target because we’re out of diapers? Never happened. Instead I had to either tell my husband that I needed to go for purely selfish reasons (that built-in Starbucks) or guzzle a gallon of milk to make it an emergency run. Stupid washable diapers.

That FOMO. Cloth diaper brands sure know how to bring out the FOMO in me. New print alerts with insane frequency were fun but one can only own so many cloth diapers before it becomes a “problem” and “maybe you should seek professional help.” I guess I could have said no but then I wouldn’t have a complete collection and that’s truly the worst.

All of that money we saved? We used it to take the family fun places like fairs and local events. It was a whole big thing to pack for the day, plan for snacks, and of course the kids don’t even remember it! Most of the time there was a melt down of some sort. I’m not sure why we even bothered doing those fun family activities. Maybe we should have stuck to disposables and stayed at home.


OK so clearly this is a post in jest, we LOVED using cloth diapers. If they washed themselves we would have loved it even more but even with the extra laundry using cloth diapers wasn’t as bad as most people imagine. What do you consider the WORST about using cloth?