A couple months ago I participated in Dirty Diaper Laundry’s Flats & Handwashing Challenge while taking my husband and baby on their very first camping trip. It had the potential to be extremely messy and crazy but was actually surprisingly simple and fun. One huge reason for that was the QD Sprayer I brought along. I was able to connect it with a spigot on our campsite and found it provided excellent results! They do sell a garden hose attachment to make quick installation and easy removal a breeze if you plan on using yours outdoors often.
Unlike other diaper sprayers, the QD is made for families who travel or would like to put their sprayer out of sight when washing is done. It connects to the faucet easily and quickly, and is stored in a strong mesh bag that can be hung out of the way when you’re finished.


There are three lengths to choose from, so you can ensure the sprayer you order meets your needs perfectly. The four, eight, and twelve foot versions vary in price from 39.99 to 49.99, which is a great savings compared to what you’d pay for many stationary and less versatile sprayers. It fits most sinks, though if you’re unsure you can check out their website for full details on which sinks may not work.


My favorite thing about the QD sprayer is that the temperature is adjustable, as well as the pressure, since you are still controlling the water using your own sink. Having the option to spray with variable pressure and with warm water is amazing! I’ve found that while it is a great way to spray my cloth diapers, I also love it for washing Harper’s plastic toys when they need a wash, for rinsing her hair in the tub without leaving any residue the way the pitcher method often does, and for washing our dog Valentine. The long hose and trigger handle offer excellent control and comfort to make these tasks easier than ever.

I did find that the area covered by the spray is larger than the more focused spray of many diaper sprayers and bidet sprayers, so while this can make rinsing diapers faster (since you’re covering a larger area at once) it can make focused spraying less powerful if you have stubborn particles that have dried on the diaper (oh the bane of being the only diaper washer when 25 weeks pregnant and trying to keep a 20 month old entertained, laundry does not always happen right when you want it to) it can be trickier to direct the spray to small specific areas for focused pressure. I found turning up the pressure at the sink can help somewhat, as can soaking the offending diaper and focusing on other articles until the solid has had a chance to loosen its grip.


The QD Sprayer is really easy to use and I love how portable it is. I think it’s perfect for families who may be staying with relatives who don’t want to see their cloth diapering paraphernalia (not that I understand it, but I know people whose extended families feel this way), who love to travel (cloth diapers on a cruise ship! I can do that now!!! And hotels will be a piece of cake), who enjoy doing their laundry outdoors (RV travel, camping, folks who live on boats, and those of us who just want some more sunshine in our day), and people who like everything tucked away neatly at the end of the day (no glaring sprayer hooked up to the toilet, just a tidy little bag hidden from view).

You can find the on Amazon in various lengths to suit your needs.
