Did you click this because you are wondering “What the heck is a Poop Avoidance Device?” Good, my plan worked.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”22″ size_format=”px”]A Poop Avoidance Device™ is any item or product that is used to minimize contact between a person and the poop in a cloth diaper.[/typography]

Totally makes sense, right? When I was planning to make videos about cloth diaper accessories I noticed the trend that so many products were ways to avoid touching poop. They deserved their own video and a new title. Trademark pending… heh.
Poop avoidance devices for cloth diapering

The video seperates the Poop Avoidance Devices into two categories- Prevention and Cure.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Prevention[/typography]

Prevention covers two items- Flushable and Reusable liners. If you have enough forethought to lay in a liner this can make dealing with the poop easier. Flushable liners are the easiest because you will just need to peel it away and drop it into the toilet, then flush. Reusable liners will help make cleaning up easier but you will still need to get the poop off of the liner by spraying, peeling away with TP, or dunking and swishing. Reusable liners have the added benefit of being stay dry in case your baby needs that feeling while using prefolds or flats. Not all flushable liners are created equal- some are scratchy and feel like dryer sheets- both the Applecheeks and Bummis liners I used for the video were soft enough that I would use them (and have) on my babies. Reusable liners are very easy to DIY by just cutting rectangular or contour shapes out of fleece- however if you’d rather not there are many brands available. I used the Bummis and NC Green Apples brands in the video.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Cure[/typography]

Cures are devices that help you deal with the poop when you’ve got a diaper full. Keep in mind that babies who are breastfed don’t need to have their waste removed from the diapers before washing until they begin eating solids.

The Spray Pal is an item that was created to solve a problem most cloth diapering parents have faced if they have a diaper sprayer- the overspray. Certain sprayers are worse than others, and water pressure accounts for this too. Not to mention the angle of how you spray. This thing is pretty neat because it creates a shield around the diaper while you spray and holds it for you too, thus leaving your hands out of the way. It makes it easier to spray all of the poop off really well.  Then, as shown in the video, you can fold it back down and squeeze the water from the diaper and then take the whole thing to your pail. If you remove the diaper first you have a situation where you have to sit the item somewhere in the meantime. They make wet bags to store it in between uses. You will have to spray it off after use and will have to periodically clean it. Some parents would much rather do this than clean poop from their walls.  DDL affiliate Kelly’s Closet carries them now!  

The Diaper Duck is an interesting and somewhat archaic device that is used for non-waterproof diapers. The intent is to let you hold the diaper without touching it while dunking it in the toilet and swishing/flushing to remove the solid waste. The hook at the back allows you to leave it soaking in the water without risk of it falling in. Using the two sides you can also squeeze out the extra water. I wasn’t able to get enough water out of the diaper to walk it from point a. to point b. without drips using this method but it is effective at the dunking hands free part. When not in use it has a suction cup- you can stick it to the side of the toilet. These are hard to find but Nicki’s Diapers is one of the only places that sells them, if you are looking for one.


Diaper Dawgs- They’re like tiny mittens for your fingers!!! Diaper Dawgs are a simple solution to an oft heard complaint from parents- they don’t like touching the wet/dirty pocket inserts. Using a Diaper Dawg on your finger and thumb it acts as a diaper oven mitt, you “bite” the insert with the dog and remove, then put them in the pail. It can also be used while spraying diapers. Or as puppets by your kids when they are clean.

Spatula, Gloves, and TP– these are all items you can find at your local big box store or even dollar store. Some people like wearing gloves while spraying diapers, or while dunking and flushing. They are also good for wringing wet diapers really well. Use them in conjunction with a “poop spatula” for those on a budget who can’t get a diaper sprayer too. Use the spatula to scrape the poop from the diaper. You’ll need to rinse the spatula in the toilet too and store it somewhere, never to be confused with your food spatula! Toilet paper is the tried and true poop remover. I lived without a sprayer for a year after we moved and only used TP.

One day, your child will give you solid poops and you’ll just need to shake your diapers. However the majority of their time in diapers they have unpleasant poop textures (here is a rundown of the types of poop and how to deal with them) and you will have to remove it before washing. Even though these items may not be your bag, they will be for some people. Keep that in mind in the comments please.

Many items shown were sent free of charge to be used in the video. No other compensation was received to have the items in the video.