Not long ago I shared with you the story of my friend and her experience with the new Dry Max diapers and the terrible rash her baby endured. I also pointed you to the facebook page demanding the old Pampers back. After that story posted their numbers doubled, and soon after major networks and websites picked the story up! I would like to think I had a little something to do with that!
What is the official stance of Pampers now that the shit has hit the fan?
ABC spoke with Bryan McCleary who had the most idiotic statement made by a spokesperson, ever.
“Diaper rash is one of the most common symptoms and things that babies experience. The things that are being described, things like blisters, breaks in the skin, deep red rashes, this is part of what is experienced by babies all throughout the year. As hundreds of thousands of moms and babies are switching to the new Dry Max, it’s clear that they’re coincidentally developing diaper rashes and severe diaper rashes at the same time.”
Let us break that down.
His first statement: “Diaper rash is one of the most common symptoms and things that babies experience” True, but it shouldn’t be. Diaper rash has seen a huge increase since disposable diapers were introduced in the 1960’s. I understand cloth diapered babies do get diaper rash, mine has, but not due to reactions based on the chemicals in his diapers.
“…blisters, breaks in the skin, deep red rashes, this is part of what is experienced by babies all throughout the year.” This blanket statement says nothing good for their products, before or after the launch of Dry Max. If he believed blisters, breaks in the skin, and deep red rashes are normal, what is wrong with that picture? I don’t expect that this is true, however. Again, plenty of babies experience severe diaper rashes, but this is not the norm!
“As hundreds of thousands of moms and babies are switching to the new Dry Max, it’s clear that they’re coincidentally developing diaper rashes and severe diaper rashes at the same time.”
Wow. Wow. WOW. The denial is shocking. Pampers believes it is clear that the outbreak of rashes coinciding with the use of Dry Max diapers is coincidental. Get your head out of the sand and listen to the customers who have suffering babies with severe rashes. Rashes that were clearly caused by your product. Moms aren’t stupid. They ruled out allergies, teething, illness, diaper size, etc. The common thread amongst thousands of mothers was the Dry Max diaper.
Despite the denial, the complaints set forth by consumers has sparked an investigation of Dry Max by the CPSC (US. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The grassroots efforts of parents using Facebook has paid off indeed.
Even though McCleary insists the diaper was put through rigourous tests and is “…Pampers’ most thoroughly researched and tested new product since we invented the disposable diaper back in the 1960s…” there is something wrong. I expect that the investigation will result in a mass recall of all Dry Max diapers.
If you are one of the parents who believe they have a rash caused by Dry Max diapers, do yourself and others a favor by filing a complaint with the CPSC by either calling (800) 638- 2772 or filling out an online form and submitting it to
To remedy your rash problems, most parents have seen near immediate relief by switching diaper brands. I personally would love to invite you to also consider using modern and convenient cloth diapers! If you would like help making the switch you are welcome to email me dirtydiaperlaundry at gmail dot com or read this handy guide. Not only would you be saving your family thousands of dollars, you will help ease the environmental impact disposables have on our planet and keep nasty chemicals away from your baby.
Update: Pampers has released an official statement (Reuters). I suggest giving the whole thing a read, since it is fabulous, but here are a few excerpts. And let me tell you, my head is swelling since I have an inkling they were referring to me!
These rumors are being perpetuated by a small number of parents, some of whom are unhappy that we replaced our older Cruisers and Swaddlers products while others support competitive products and the use of cloth diapers
Cloth diapers you say? Who me? Nah….
Because the number of families who use disposable diapers is staggering (something like 93%) obviously they sell billions of diapers (all of which are still in a landfill, every diaper, ever made. Consider that.) Since they claim 2 customers per every one millions diapers sold, they are feeling confident in their stance. They did say they are going to have to increase advertising (gag, get ready for a slew of new commercials and product placements in your favorite TV show) to make up for the damage done.
Pampers, even if it is a very small percentage of parents using your diapers, every baby counts. And those moms are seeking other brands or cloth diapers. Good for them!