Today I was checking my facebook and on the right side I saw a sponsored ad for Pampers:

Picture 2Picture 3I was already having a bad day, and this sent me over the edge.  If it is to be taken literally, they are donating (1) singular disposable diaper per fan.  According to their fan page (of which I am definitely not a fan of!) they will donate up to 200,000 diapers.  So, lets say they reach their goal.  And, let me first tell you I am not a math whiz…..  so if you find fault with my numbers remember I was have a degree in History!

200,000 disposable diapers.

I am using the number 10- 10 diaper changes a day.

How many babies do you suspect they can diaper?

55 babies for 1 year.

That’s right, they can diaper a whopping 55 babies for a year with 200,000 disposables.

Let’s dive further into this word problem:

The cost of a pack of Pampers Cruisers size 3 costs 21.99 on multiple websites I have found.  Each pack has 52 diapers.

The grand total of their contribution- retail value- is………… drumroll please…………


Now, I am going to use Econobum as my model for this exercise.  The full kit costs 49.95 for 3 one size covers and 12 prefolds.  Granted, 12 prefolds for a newborn won’t go far, but you can wash daily for a while.

Guess how many babies you could cloth diaper with $84, 676 if you purchased each one an Econobum kit?


1, 691!!!!

And, assuming the diapers and covers last, this number could be multiplied times two, or three… or more.  Cloth diapers get passed on to siblings, family, get sold online or locally, or given away/ donated.

This is all quick math, and obviously there are other circumstances.  Econobum, in my opinion, won’t fit a newborn.  So other cloth diapers or newborn disposables would be needed until they fit.  My main point is this:

“Give a family a pack of disposables, diaper a baby for a week.  Give a family a cloth diaper kit, diaper a baby(s) for a lifetime.”

For the record, this ad is not geared towards Haiti relief.  Many people who saw my Facebook status remarked about the lack of water to wash diapers, sanitary issues etc.  I am not getting into that, though as the lovely Upstatemomof3 from Our Life Upstate pointed out, “If the orphanage in Ethiopia can cloth diaper fifteen babies without a washing machine there really is no excuse that seems reasonable to me as to why cloth diapering does not work for some.”  And she should know!  She traveled with cloth diapers and used them in Ethiopia.