#operationfluffy Stats

I have been scouring the interwebs trying to figure out how to find out how many times we have tweeted to Ellen.

While figuring out how many times we tweeted @theellenshow is pretty impossible, searching for the hashtag #operationfluffy is possible.  Remember folks, use the hashtag!  It will enable me to search your tweets, and Ellen’s people when they finally decide to give in!

So…  want to know how we are doing?

108 people have tweeted #operationfluffy 587 times!!!

So, @TheEllenShow has received almost 600 tweets about cloth diapers.  I think that is pretty darn good!  But, we can’t stop there!  Remember to keep tweeting.  Take pictures of your baby in a cloth diaper every time you change it, and tweet it.  Take pictures of your laundry basket full of diapers, the diapers on the line, anything you can think of.  We can’t slow down, and we need to speed up.  Have you seen how many people tweet to Ellen?  Thousands…..  even at our high point on Monday night we were only every few tweets to her.  Now we must only show up every few pages.

I have some more ideas up my sleeve about how to grab her attention, but it involves supreme coordination.  I will flesh it out and announce it soon.

Here is the leaderboard, for now.  Anytime you want to check your stats go to hashtweeps.com and search #operationfluffy.

Picture 11You are all working hard!  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the time you are taking out of your day to support #operationfluffy.

Want to do more?

I need members of the many Cloth Diaper Message Boards to post about our mission.  Babycenter, Diaperswappers, Cloth Diaper Nation, Bliss Tree, Mothering, etc etc…  Put the word out.  Let them know they don’t need Twitter to be involved.

They can:

Join the twitter blitzkrieg using @TheEllenShow and #operation fluffy tags.

Blog about it and link up to the MckLinky in the carnival post.

Write to Ellen using the submission form on her site.  Make sure they mention #operationfluffy.  We need to be a united front!

Send videos of their baby dancing in visible cloth diaper to me using yousendit.com.

Or, have them come up with ideas!

Again, thank you for all the work you have already done!

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