I am concluding my newborn cloth diaper reviews today with this video of many of the one size diapers I used on my baby Everett. Some of the diapers shown in the video aren’t in the chart, but the most requested diapers made it to the chart. If anyone has any questions please ask in the comments and I will answer. I like to remind everyone that every baby is different. My first son didn’t fit his BG 3.0 until over 10 pounds, but this guy fit at 9.5 pounds.
I have reviewed each of these diapers in more detail, though at the time I had not used them on an newborn. To see each diaper’s individual review you can click the links.
Softbums Echo and Softbums Omni
Happy Heinys Improved OS (no video yet)
One again, this chart is a guide, not a definite size chart. EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT and what fit my son well might not fit your baby, or vice versa.