I, the Queen of Cloth, have my son is disposables. For the time being. I came to the hard decision to use disposables on our quick trip to Tampa, FL. We leave tomorrow morning but I am not willing to leave my diapers dirty in the pail so I recently changed him from his last cloth diaper to his first disposable for a few days.
We decided to buy Huggies Pure and Natural. They are made with organic cotton and lack many of the chemicals found in traditional disposables. I have heard good things about their performance, smell (they aren’t supposed to smell like a sposie), and feel. I was hoping to find the disposables that are made from corn and break down but I couldn’t.
Why aren’t I using G Diapers? Well, I was hoping to use them but I ruled them out because I only have 3 covers. There is a laundry facility but I would be having to wash my covers quite a few times while in Tampa.
Many of you may find my decision shocking, or you might think I am lazy. I am feeling pretty bad about my decision too. But, if you saw us on our last trip you may understand why I want to simplify my life for 4 days.