Last year I wasn’t able to make Blogher ’10 in NYC (4 hours from my home) for a few reasons.  I waited too long to purchase my tickets and the event sold out, and it also fell just a few short weeks away from my EDD for my second son Ev.  I had a major case of the Green Eyed Monster when logging into Twitter as my virtual BFF’s got to hang out, learn new ways to improve their blog, and party together.

This year I made it a point to buy my tickets early, find sponsors, and plan.  I found two very fitting sponsors in Swaddlebees, a cloth diaper company committed to keeping their product lines manufactured in the US. They offer every type of diaper imaginable in their line including my favorite- Swaddlebees Simplex.  The Simplex even made my list of “trimmest” cloth diapers!  My other sponsor is Boba.  Boba makes a baby carrier specially designed for babies over one year that gives them extra room in the seat, a higher back (which makes for safer babywearing and more peace of mind for me) and even optional foot rests for longer legs to keep them comfortable and in the proper seated position.  I just discovered this week that Everett fits well into the Boba so I am excited to start using it again!  I’ve even been able to nurse him in it- a video of that is coming soon!  Boba is part of the NAP family, who are also the makers of the Sleepy Wrap.  I am “self sponsoring” the cost of my ticket and the various other charges involved in the trip (which ain’t cheap), but my flight and hotel costs were generously covered by sponsors.

My boobs are also seeing quite the BlogHer sponsorship. Yes, you heard right- Boobs.  I had a mini freak out when I realized I only owned a single electric pump but I would be far from my nursling for 4 whole days- 96 hours to be exact.  A single works fine for my at home pumping needs but I knew I needed to stock up in a big way for BlogHer plus I would be pumping to keep a supply and relieve engorgement during my stay in San Diego.  A single would take DOUBLE the time during my breaks to pump since my boobs would have to take turns.  Now that I understand more about the WHO Code thanks to Amy from Just West of Crunchy I didn’t want to get another Medela or other WHO Code violator made pumps.  I contacted Hygeia, the makers of WHO Code compliant pumps that are also Closed Valve System pumps (meaning they are approved for multiple users since no milk will make its way into the pump itself and potentially cause mold or contamination) and asked if they would consider being my “Pump Sponsor.”  It was an exciting day when they said yes and a huge weight off my shoulders (and my bra).  Already I am loving the pump for the quiet suction noise it makes and the fact that it has a rechargeable Ion battery.  I can pack and pump all over the conference if I need to and never have to situate myself next to an outlet!

Not only is Hygeia Sponsoring my Pump, they are also going to very generously be providing myself and other Lactacting Mama’s at BlogHer with Freezer Storage Bags to use.   In case you missed my post on Donating Milk While at BlogHer- I’ll not only be donating my own milk from 4 days of pumping, but I’ve recruited other mothers hoping to do the same!  We will be descending upon Jenn  from Life With Levi’s hotel room since she is throwing a “Pumping Party.”

[box]And even though I wrote this post 3 days ago- Just so happens that the Hygeia Enjoye is on Zulily today for 100$ off. Sign up for Zulily using my referral link and get an amazing deal on an amazing double pump![/box]

And since I will be a true “pumper” while at BlogHer I knew I needed a Pumpease Hands Free Nursing Bra.  I would miss out on tweeting while holding two horns to my breasts for 15 minutes but with the Pumpease I’ll be able to remain hands free while I get milked.  That is a HUGE deal.  My friend Ginni reviewed the Pumpease for my blog and she said it saved her back and made pumping a whole new and more enjoyable experience for her.  Thank goodness Wendy has sent one for me to use.  I’m stalking my mailbox for it.

But wait- there’s more!  While trying on clothing for my trip I realized my bras were looking sad and letting my boobs down.  I jokingly tweeted that there should be a bra company at BlogHer offering Bra Fittings (hey, Lees is offering Jeans Fittings, why not?)  Alison from Nummies Bras offered to send a few bras for me to try on (just because) and in days I had Christmas in July for my boobies.  A gorgeous package of beautiful and stylish nursing bras was in my possesion.  There was even a Pink Bra.  I cannot tell you the last time I purchased a “fun” bra.  Mine have all had to be tan/ white/ or black.  Not even black actually.  Just tan or white.  I have become quite busty since having children.  I’m 5’3″ and less than a buck but my boobs are DD’s.  I’ve tried them on and the DD/E size is fitting best but the 32 bands fit my back the best.  I just happen to wear a hard to find size since I’m 32 and DD so many times I have to size up to a 34 band and this was the case with Nummies.  I can’t fault brands for not making that size, especially smaller manufacturers.  PS- Alison hasn’t asked for anything in return but it just so happens that I love the bras that fit me and they are so cute!  She was just trying to help me out with my booby crisis!  She is one of my favorite people on Twitter so if you are looking for an interesting woman to follow who puts a smile on your face she is the one!  @NummiesBras

My boobs are totally spoiled for BlogHer!

But what am I looking forward to the most about BlogHer (besides the informative sessions and parties with my buddies)?  Seeing Ricki Lake speak and possible even meeting her!  Ricki Lake has really pushed Homebirth into the mainstream (her movie gave me confidence to try my own homebirth) and made it a really viable option for parents who may not have even heard of it before!  That is an admirable and impressive accomplishment.  She is also coming back to daytime soon!

I’m not excited about leaving my famiy but I am ready to meet lots of new (and old) friends, take tons of notes, and maybe even have a little fun!

Even though I’m being sponsored by these companies in some way I am telling the truth when I say that I love them!  Thanks again to Swaddlebees and Boba for their generous sponsorship that is getting me to BlogHer and to the other companies making my boobies weigh less, look perkier, and be more productive!