Update: This WAHM is no longer making diapers.
Summer is in full swing, and I’m constantly trying to think of ways to cool off in the Florida heat. Suddenly any place with A/C is a promising destination. We’ve been spending our afternoons at the bookstore, the mall playground, window shopping, and at the library. I feel like Harper is still too young for the water parks, though she enjoys our pool at home, and I don’t think she’d have the patience yet for our local aquariums or museums. I would love some suggestions on how you beat the heat with your littles.

Today I’m reviewing a hybrid fitted from Muffins -N- Mayhem. I am in love with the designs she features, I recently saw a Walking Dead theme diaper that was just incredible.

Editor’s Note- To learn more about Hybrid fitteds and why they are different from a regular fitted visit this great post from Autumn on All About Cloth Diapers. 

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Ease of Use ✩✩✩✩✩[/typography]

These diapers are made with a hidden layer of poly fleece that helps keep the moisture in the soaker while still allowing the diaper to be more breathable than completely water proof diapers. I love that Harper can wear this fitted without a cover, it’s less work for me and it allows people to see how incredible they look.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Bang for the Buck ✩✩✩✩[/typography] The average price for a hybrid fitted from Muffins -N- Mayhem is $29 which is a reasonable price, average for a fitted hybrid and excellent for one of such high quality. I love the materials used, for example, the soakers are four layers of heavy bamboo fleece topped with cotton velour. And I would gladly spend more on diapers that look good any day.

harpermuffinsnmayhem[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Performance ✩✩✩✩✩[/typography]

When I first received this diaper I was not aware it was a hybrid, and I prepped it and set it on the changing table with a wool cover and a set of pjs so my husband could change her into them when it was bedtime (I work during her bedtime routine so he is in charge of getting her to sleep, no easy task). Apparently she was a handful this particular evening, as he completely forgot the wool cover and put her pjs on over the fitted and put her to bed without a second thought. I didn’t notice during her nighttime feedings, and when I went to change her in the morning I was shocked to see the cover on the floor and her pjs still dry as a bone. Harper is normally a pretty heavy wetter at night, so this diaper must have superpowers to be so effective!

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Fit ✩✩✩[/typography]

This fitted has a fold over rise for different size options and a dozen snaps to choose from for a perfect fit. I have a hard time with fold over rise myself, but that is a reflection of Harper’s body type and not the diaper at all. I found that Harper was able to wear this diaper snapped either way and still have a good fit, so I usually just leave it up. The soaker is generously sized and very soft against Harper’s skin, it folds over and snaps in place so the snaps don’t touch her body at all. The extra soaker length gets tucked in at this point, I’m still experimenting with the best way to do that against her small frame, but the minor added bulk doesn’t bother me.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Overall:[/typography]

These diapers are so fun, and so easy. I love the way they look, the way they feel, and the way they work. They are very well made and the prints are obviously chosen with care, I smile every time I reach for those bold feminine stripes with the subtle sparkle. My biggest challenge is going to be figuring out what clothing for her to wear that doesn’t hide something so pretty!

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Where to Buy [/typography]Muffins and Mayhem on Hyena Cart
