If you recall I moved out of Syracuse late February.  It is now April and there is still no date in sight as to when or if we will get the house we have placed an offer on in Tampa.  In the mean time we decided as a family that rather than live in the tiny hotel with four people the boys and I would stay in Charlotte NC with my in-laws.  My husband went to live in Tampa and work.

He visited us this past weekend and we finally took the long overdue trip to Asheville to see the Biltmore.  I’ve been dying to go for years.  We were well aware that the trip wouldn’t be a piece of cake with two young ones.  I packed my {lifesaving} ring sling and the dinky umbrella stroller my mother-in-law purchased for use here in NC.  We managed to walk the entire tour inside the home, most of the gardens, the petting zoo, did a wine tasting, and came home with lots of goodies.

Despite car sickness, a gazzillion stairs, out of the ordinary heat in April, a nasty fall, and many “Moooom I don’t LIKE this place let’s GO!!!”‘s we had a wonderful time together.  Enjoy some photos from our trip to America’s Largest Home!