Yesterday was the nicest day of the year so far! A friend and I went to Ithaca NY to buy some cloth diapers and tool around town. I just love going to Ithaca because I am not the crunchiest person around. While we were eating lunch a woman had to breastfeed her son, and did so without a cover. I am not the only one. Fletcher needed a nibble during this time too, so the outdoor eaters were treated to two breastfeeding mamas.
After the shopping and eating portion was over we walked to a little waterfall near downtown. The babies were put on blankets and allowed to play in the grass. This was the first time Fletcher’s little hands ever touched grass! He seemed pretty intrigued by it, but never attempted to put any in his mouth thank goodness. I walked him to the waterfall but he wasn’t impressed. He does love the sound of water so he probably enjoyed that aspect of it.
It ended up being a good trip, with some whining by both babies at some point or another.