You might be wondering where I have been.  (or not)  Some of you might assume I have been on a fabulous tropical vacation and haven’t had the time to post.  Or maybe, the family and I went on a cruise.

Sadly, nothing that exciting was keeping me from the blog.  I did have a mini-vacation over the weekend.  I drove 6 hours to Gloucester, MA with both boys and no husband to visit my friend Kristen.  She has 2 girls, one of which is Fletcher’s age and also happens to share a birthday with Everett (10/20).  We all had a wonderful time, with the exception of me losing my wedding band.  I’ve lost so much weight that I am much slimmer than I was when I was married.  Even after having it sized down once already, it wasn’t enough. I have already stopped wearing my engagement ring, but in the chaos of 4 kids 3 and under and 2 moms the band slipped away.  It hasn’t turned up yet.  I’m pretty bummed.

My two boys on the left, Kristen's two girls on the right
Kristen and Suriah, Everett and Kim (me)

We drove back home on Monday and the boys were amazingly good. There was no crying!  I made record time despite hitting Boston traffic too.  My husband saw us after he got home from work but I was sick and so were the boys.  We all picked up a nasty cold in MA.  Then, the next day he packed and flew to Florida for the rest of the week.

This is where my week got interesting. All of us are sick and my husband is out of town.  It has been a struggle for survival.  Each night at least one child needs special attention due to their fevers spiking. Last night it was both of them and I ran from room to room as each woke with a special need.  “Mommy” Fletcher called out in his best sick voice “I need apple juice.”

I gave up and told Fletcher to join me and Everett in my bed.  Big mistake.  I couldn’t sleep because poor Fletcher coughed and sniffled all night.  Ev woke to nurse as usual and needed special bouncing once.  I believe I was up 12:30-4:30 and the boys woke for the day at 6:45.

I wish I could say I have been enjoying my blog break and sipping a tropical drink with an umbrella in it while laying in the sun.  Nope.  Just wrangling kids, folding clothes and diapers, mopping up spills, and doing work when possible on the back end to have my website and database moved to a new host.  One who won’t “suspend” me every 20 minutes.

I’ve also been brainstorming of a way to help Kristen and Emily (my friends in Gloucester) raise money for Giving Diapers, Giving Hope.  They are very close to acheiving Non-Profit status.  It is quite a journey to get there, in case you weren’t aware.  Once they acheive this any donations you make will be tax deductible.  They are working so hard to help families in need receive cloth diapers.  I hope I can do something more for them.

I am in the proces of reviewing a lot of cloth diapers, so there is that to look forward to.  Next Monday is the GoGreen Champ 2.0.  Then reviews of (in no particular order) the Bobux fitted, LuxButt, EcoBubs Wool Pocket, Blueberry Coverall, Bummis Super Snap, Smart Bottoms AIO and AI2, Fuzzibunz Elite, and Monkey Doodlez TAG.

I’ll be relieved when my technical issues come to an end.  Thanks for sticking through it!