Some of us like to buy cutesy animal prints on our diapers and wet bags. Others, like myself, prefer to buy diapers and wetbags that match our style. This is why I love Logan and Lenora bags. They are relatively new to the scene compared to other wetbag makers but they made a big impression on me the first time I saw them because they design bags that I would WANT to carry instead of just HAVE to carry. DDL also has two giveaways from Logan and Lenora for a $50 Gift Card. You’ll find more about that and can enter to win at the end of the review.
This month they announced an entirely updated product line. Their previous bags (all with waterproof lined interiors for cloth diapers, cloth pads, bathing suits, etc) had a thick and durable cotton canvas. While this fabric was great and felt high end it tended to fade after many washes and shrink. The new line has completely changed over to a custom, lightweight poly canvas that’s waterproof on the outside but still has that same texture and look of the cotton canvas.
Features of the new Poly Canvas
Looks and feels like cotton canvas | Fade + stain resistant| Machine washable| Fast drying + wrinkle free
Now as you know I no longer have little ones wearing diapers but I’ve been testing the bags because, let’s face it, a waterproof and stylish bag is never outgrown.
The wristlet is a personal favorite because it functions as a stylish purse but if you DO have littles in diapers it can hold 2 clean AIO cloth diapers in the front zipper (and if a change is needed, 2 dirties in the wet pocket). It’s perfect when you’re ready to downsize after potty training but need “just in case” diapers or underwear and a place for what was soiled.
The Hobo Bag is another strong contender for my favorite bag- the size is perfect for a long outing but it’s fairly slender making it look good on your arm instead of looking like a huge bag for dirty diapers. The Hobo Bag also has that stylish vegan tassel and it most definitely passes for an adult bag, not a bag for moms. The strap is a bit thin so if it’s heavy and you’re carrying it long-term that might be uncomfortable (compared to thicker purse straps). Since most of us are guilty of bringing a stroller with us on our errands, even if we plan to babywear, that’s a good place for any and all bags anyway. I have been using this to hold my camera (anyone who has gone to the beach and wanted to bring a DSLR appreciates the safety of a wetbag) and it’s a perfect size.
The new Daytripper tote is a bit larger than the Hobo Bag with better, thicker straps and a looped handle. It’s a functional and flexible bag that does the job of the Hobo Bag and then some. Notice this bag has the pleating on the front to allow for the maximum amount of dirty diapers. This is one you can use around the house (hang it on the bathroom doorknob as hanging dirty diaper storage) or use it as advertised- for outing! You’ll get your dry and clean storage on the front and the waterproof lined storage in the interior.
The functionality, not to mention the durability and fade resistance of the new poly canvas, is going to win over lots of new fans. I will admit that I loved the feel and weight of the old cotton canvas but the improvements are definitely for the better. L+L are great at what they do- designing attractive, stylish, and waterproof solutions for motherhood.