Things just haven’t been easy for me so far this week and the rest of the week isn’t looking any better.

My house just won’t clean itself.

The laundry won’t wash, dry, or fold itself.  Neither will the dishes.

Husband left for 3 days yesterday.  At least I don’t have to wash his dishes.

I bought false eyelashes for our family photos Sunday.  When I went to put them on I discovered the glue was dry.  Too late to buy more.  Wasted $.

I pumped twice last week and got less than 1 ounce each time.

I have far less milk stored for my 4 days away (while at BlogHer) from Ev than I need.

Every time I have pumped so far this week something happens and a kid starts screming.  Never fails.  At least when I needed a tissue the 2.5 year old fetched it.  #winning

I spent 2 hours writing HTML for a page on this website.  Turns out that code isn’t what I wanted.

I spent 6 hours working on getting the new iPhone App submitted to Apple (it is now under review) but it should have taken a few minutes. *Twitter typo

Yesterday both children took a nap strike.  And when I did get the littlest to sleep, without fail the biggest would wake him.

Toddler decided yesterday was a fine time to forget how to pee on the toilet.  He peed in front of it instead.

Again, later he forgot to remove the potty seat and somehow peed on his own face instead.

My bathroom now smells like a public urinal.  I have no desire or intention of cleaning it today but the smell makes me want to hurl.

I got Ev to sleep after much bouncing on the yoga ball.  But then I was stuck in a chair with two sleeping (1 naked) kids and couldn’t work.  So I watched Hoarders and felt a little better about my dirty house.

The toddler finally went to bed at 8 pm but woke at 11.  Both kids forced me into a space fit for a small house cat on the edge of the bed.

Toddler woke for the day at 5:45 and his “overnight underwear” didn’t hold up.  Sheets were soaked (MY sheets)

And yet- my kids are both alive and healthy.  I tweeted this yesterday:

so the kids decided to test my theory.

It is very hard to keep that in mind when the kids are both screaming at the top of their lungs, the toddler is kicking and punching because I told him to eat something other than cereal, and the baby won’t leave my side long enough to go pee.  Life isn’t always this crazy.  In fact, the kids are usually quite well behaved.  If they weren’t I wouldn’t be able to post as often.  Clearly, the past few days haven’t been so great.  There have been other non family reasons the week has sucked but I won’t depress you.