The Rosas household is getting really antsy and can’t wait for the weather to warm up! When the weather report threatens forecasts of snow and record setting low temperatures it really messes with your mood.
Fortunately we have been keeping busy. I am constantly updating The Cloth Diaper Finder with new diapers. I am up to 167 diapers! I am also compiling lists of things that need improving so that when I get enough funds I can send this to the developer and have him start working on them.
I’ve also started a new project and if you are a Fan on Facebook then you may have heard. I will be working on a brand new website called What’s a Cloth Diaper? It is meant to be accessed using a QR Code that the Street Team will be handing out. It is a long way from finished but once done you will be the first to know.
Speaking of new websites, I broke for a few hours on Sunday night. I was trying to get the other new site working but managed to overwrite all of my DDL files. Yes I did. And then my husband and I frantically tried to figure out what happened! We contacted tech support and they were able to restore my website! And then I sent this message to the man who made it happen:
In non blog news, my boys are all doing so well. Fletcher is 2.5 now. He is 95% potty trained. He still sometimes wets the bed at night and occasionally for naps. Sometimes we use a cloth trainer and sometimes I just let him wear underwear and clean the sheets later. I am using a PUL backed changing pad under his sheets to protect his mattress.
Everett is 5 months old (no, really) and is the happiest baby in the world. He is playing with toys and tenting while sitting for a little bit. He is still co-sleeping with us at night and I’m in no rush to try him in a crib anytime soon. If he is my last baby I want to soak up every cuddly minute with him and snuggling him every night makes up both happy. He still wakes 2-4 times a night to nurse. I am not complaining, he just isn’t ready to sleep through the night. Besides, all I have to do it whip a boob out and he goes back to sleep. I am starting to see signs of food readiness but since I am not ready for him to eat solids I am going to wait until he is at least 6 months old (or 5 years old….whatever). We did not do baby-led weaning with Fletcher but I will see if it is something Everett is willing to try. I think he would do great with it. Plus, I despise the “baby food” thing.
He still has big blue eyes and his hair is starting to come in. It is still really light blonde. He is also a chunky boy! He has rolls all over. His cankles are my favorite…. you can’t tell where his leg fat ends and his ankle fat begins! And that butt! Oh My Gosh. It is so bootylicious.
My other boy, the husband, has been incredible during this busy time for me. He has helped technically on the website and my many projects. He has watched the boys so I can do work here on the blog and send emails, etc. I’ve even noticed him doing a little more around the house since I don’t have as much time to clean.
In “me” news, I got my haircut recently and my new glasses came in. My “transformation” is complete for now!
Thank you all for reading this here blog of mine. If you haven’t already, tell your friends about the awesome search tool for cloth diapers: