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February 2011

Dirty Diaper Laundry

Newsletter Issue #1

You are getting this email because you rock and signed up for my first ever newsletter!  So….. MUAH! Thank you!  I want to give you a big hug for being an awesome individual.  If you really love me, help a sister out by telling a friend about my newsletter and blog!

As always, last month was a busy one at Dirty Diaper Laundry.  The newborn cloth diaper reviews were finally posted!  Now it is back to business as usual with a video cloth diaper review posting every Monday.  My new goal is to be a better blogger.  That means: as much quality content as I can produce while still raising my 2 kids and keeping house, being more present on Twitter and my Facebook Fanpage, and commenting on and reading more of my favorite blogs!

Speaking of favorite blogs, have you seen these other cloth diaper friendly websites?

The Cloth Diaper Report will be doing newborn cloth diaper reviews soon!

All About Cloth Diapers has already posted a few newborn reviews, and even added to my own newborn chart!

Congrats to Emi (TCDR) and Autumn (AACD) on their new baby boys!

Also be sure to read The Eco Chic and

Send me to BlogHer

Send this girl to BlogHer 2011!  I am looking for a few more sponsors to get me to San Diego!

Next month you can look forward to video reviews of the new line hitting the States from Australia: itti bitti. Also to come: BrightStar Baby, GEN-Y Universal Cover, Tiny Tush Elite 1.1, Kawaii, and Mo Dia One Size.

Have a review request? If you want me to review your diaper or are a reader and think you know a brand I should test please email me!  I’ll do my best to get to it! 

You will want to check back often because I have a very cool “stay dry” cloth diapers science experiment post coming up.

Shhhhhh….big things are coming to make selecting the perfect cloth diaper even easier!  I am embarking on a HUGE project that will take a lot of time, but when it is done it is going to revolutionize finding the diaper that suits your tastes and needs.

Cloth Diapers Reviewed This Month

Sweet Pea One Size Cover

Baby Beehinds PUL Wrap Cover

Happy Heiny’s One Size and Organic One Size

Happy Hempy Fitted and Happy Heiny’s One Size Cover

Newborn Size Cloth Diaper Comparison Chart and Video

One Size Cloth Diapers on a Newborn Comparison Chart and Video

Popular Articles this month:

My Top Picks for Most Comfortable Cloth Diapers :  I give you my top 6 cloth diapers in terms of the comfort for the baby.  bumGenius! 4.0, Ragababe AIO, Babykicks 3g, Applecheeks, AMP Stay Dry AIO, and Green Acre Diapers (GAD) made the cut! more

What’s New in the Cloth Diaper World? Lots of new products this month!  Thirsties Duo Fitted, Ragababe has new colors and prints, Softbums Omni released a new-sassy-print, and Bummis has a new cover- Super Lite- and an affordable Newborn Bundle to cover babies 5-9 pounds!…read more

What else is in the pipeline for cloth diapers?!itti bitti is coming to the US!  Stay tuned for my video review of their D’lish and bitti tutto One Size as well as a giveaway of one of each!  Check it out this Monday!

Want to Buy/Sell/Trade Cloth Diapers?

Visit the Fluff Swappers page on Facebook and “like” them.  Then post away!  Tell them DDL sent you!  You are welcome for your new addiction 😉

Are you a Cloth Diaper Newbie?!

Visit my “New to Cloth Diapers” Resource section for all of my most popular and informative posts to get you started.

You can also find all of my archived video reviews on the “Cloth Diaper Video Review” page and watch over 80 videos.  Just click the image of the diaper to be taken to a video and written review.

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