woolweek copy This post is part of “All About Wool Week” on Dirty Diaper Laundry.

Lanolizing wool seems complicated but it is truly simple!  Don’t over think it!  I did tons of research before I set about lanolizing my covers for the first time.  While I always, always encourage people to do their research I think over researching can be a bad thing.  If you spend hours reading about washing and lanolizing wool it seems like a feat!  I hope the video shows you how easy it can be, although I am silly and thought I was recording portions of it but actually wasn’t!  Here is what I do:

  1. Run VERY HOT water from your tap (or boil water) and put it in a bowl.  Add a squirt of Wool Wash or baby shampoo and 1 inch of Lansinoh lanolin.
  2. Shake well until all of the lanolin has dissolved.  You can also microwave the mixture.  Works great!
  3. Fill your sink (or tub, bowl, etc) with lukewarm water.  Saturate cover(s) completely.
  4. Run a new sink full of lukewarm water if desired.
  5. Pour your lanolin/soap mixture in your sink.
  6. Immerse cover(s) in the water inside out.  Work them around a bit and let soak for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Remove from water and wring out, then either roll in a dry, clean towel or put in your washer for a spin cycle.
  8. Lay Flat to dry.