… or any velcro tabs for that matter!  Most cloth diaper users encounter problems with their velcro tabs.  They can lose stickiness, curl, and gather lots of fluff over the months and years of washing.  When I first started using and washing my Bum Genius 3.0’s I carefully pulled any stray hairs out that I saw.  That was when my baby slept the majority of the day.  Now I hardly have time to stuff and put away my diapers.  Sometimes they lay in a pile and I pick the pieces up for each change.

I first heard about using a snappi to clean velcro tabs a few months ago.  I wish I could remember who I heard it from to give them proper credit.  It was probably on the Monday Night Twitter #clothdiapers chat.  Using a snappi is easy to clean the gunk out of the tabs.  If you don’t own one you can also use a comb.  I do caution you to pay attention as you do this.  You could break the hoops in the velcro.

How to Clean your Bum Genius Velcro Tabs Video.