Update: Hippeez is still making diapers but this is an older style of their fitted.

Ease of Use ✩✩✩✩ The Hippeez Fitted tries to bridge the gap between disposables and cloth diapers with easy velcro closures and sizing that follows disposables (Size 1, 2 etc). It is incredibly easy to apply on the baby, but you do still need a cover if you are wearing it with clothes. Using fitteds with no cover is good for breathability and helping clear up rashes.
Bang for the Buck ✩✩✩ 11.99 is a very fair price for a handmade fitted. The price does increase for Size 5-6 by $2.00. If you are just after cheap, there are less expensive fitteds, but you won’t be able to choose from the print selection Hippeez offers. I also appreciate that you get to customize your options; many parents have preferences for stay dry lining, or non, and bigger brands usually only offer one type.
Performance ✩✩✩✩ I’ve used the Hippeez for oth nights and days without covers. It would feel a but damp after Ev wet the diaper, but it wasn’t so wet that I was getting soaked from touching the front. The drying time is longer than many of the other diapers in my stash since the absorbent soaker is sewn down, which is to be expected. If it wasn’t done drying in one dryer cycle I would leave it out to air dry the rest of the way, as I do with my other diapers in the same boat.
Fit ✩✩✩ The sizing was on the small side for Ev, I was even hesitant to review it at first because it was such a tight fit. The laundry tabs were soft enough that the fact that they touched his skin didn’t become an issue, but he is just on the verge of being too wide for it. The sizing system is good for anyone who is coming from using disposables though, and knows size by numbers. My suggestion would be to size up in a weight range if you baby is on the wider size, based on my experience. If you are worried, email Heather and I’m sure she would have a suggestion on which would work best. I would like to see a measurement chart though, which would be easier to base purchases on since there would less of a chance of ordering the wrong size.
Overall: Having an easy to put on fitted is nice. If you baby is doing death rolls like my son, you appreciate not having too many snaps to do. Workign with a WAHM means a few more custom options. I chose to review the diaper with the Sherpa lining and a microfiber soaker. She has really cute prints to choose from, and that doesn’t hurt things! I do find that fitteds with sewn in soakers are more prone to stink issues over time but I haven’t had the diaper long enough to know if this will happen yet.
Where to Buy: Hippeez.ca