My son is a very serious baby.  He smiles, and he laughs, but generally he is an observer of the world.  Anyone who has met him comments on how “alert” he is or how serious he looks.  Sometimes people don’t even believe he smiles or laughs!  Of course he does.  I remember the first time I heard his “laugh.”  I was shocked.  It wasn’t a baby’s giggle, it was a man’s grunt.  And to top it off, he always covered his face when he laughed.  It was impossible to get a video of him because as soon as he saw the camera come out he was more interested in the camera than whatever I was doing to make him laugh.  

He is ticklish so that works.  But my husband can really get the giggles out of him.  It makes my heart melt to hear this deep, growly laugh.  I don’t even know how to put it into words.  Here is the most adorable baby laugh you will ever hear (of course I am going to say that, he is my son!)