Are you competitive and live on Twitter?  Then it might just be your lucky day!

rumparooz_rooz_sRumparooz, makers of the adorable One Size G2 diapers, has offered something pretty extraordinary.

This was taken from the newsletter:

This is all you have to do:

Join us on Twitter and tweet about cloth diapers and how cool it would be to see them on Ellen.
Use the tags @TheEllenShow#operationfluffy,#rumparooz and#clothdiapers in your tweets.
(For example: “@TheEllenShow Why I want to see #clothdiapers on your show _______ #operationfluffy”)
15 tweeters that mention Rumparooz in their tweets will in a Rumparooz One Size Diaper

If Ellen features cloth diapers on her show and Rumparooz are on, EVERYONE who Tweeted will receive a diaper!

Be sure to tweet daily (and multiple times!)….anything and everything that crosses your mind about Rumparooz and cloth diapers that you would like to tell Ellen!

Did you see that? If clothdiapers make it on the show and Rumparooz are mentioned, everyone who tweets gets a diaper. That is so far, 108 people!

And…… If you visit Kelly’s Closet’s Facebook Fan Page you can enter their drawing for a 250.00 Gift Certificate to any of their stores once The Ellen Show responds.  You will need to follow their instructions, but this involves tweeting as well.