Get Cloth Diapers Featured on The Ellen Show using Twitter

Have you dreamed about seeing beautiful fluffies on a major television show?  Yes, they have been on a few morning shows, local and nationwide.  But who is up that early?!?!

How many of you watch The Ellen Show?  I do.  I stay at home with my son, and I watch it whenever I can.  My son, 14 months, loves it and claps when the audience claps and dances when the music plays!

Today I decided we need to campaign to have Ellen feature cloth diapers!  Now, I need your help.

At 8:00 pm EST we will begin “Operation Fluffy Bomb” on The Ellen Show.

Here is how you can help:

Phase 1

First, follow @TheEllenShow on Twitter.  Don’t have a Twitter account?  You should!  Every monday we have a #clothdiapers chat.  Join us!

Then, think ahead.  Upload some photos of your adorable baby in #clothdiapers to a twitter photo sharing account like Tweetphoto or Twitpic.  Choose great pictures that really showcase how easy, modern, and fun cloth diapers can be!

Then, at 8:00 pm begin bombing The Ellen Show with photos of your babies in #clothdiapers.  I ask you to please be courteous.  Don’t demand, or pester their account.  While we want attention, we want it to be positive!

Also let Ellen know that we want to see #clothdiapers on her show!  Think of the thousands of moms watching.  How many know about the modern cloth diaper?  Not many!  The internet dominates the culture, we are preaching to the choir!

Make sure to @TheEllenShow in your tweets and include the #clothdiapers and #operationfluffy hashtag.

We will continue “Operation Fluffy Bomb” until we get a response.   Whenever you think about it, tweet to Ellen.

Phase 2

I have a vision.  I see a YouTube video of clips with dancing babies in only cloth diapers, strung together, to a funky beat!   I want it to go viral!  Starting now, try to film your baby dancing in a diaper.  Send me (kdrosas at gmail )your video using  Please keep the length less than .20 seconds.  I will take the best ones and edit a video.  We will tweet this to Ellen as well.  If she doesn’t respond to photos, she will definitely respond to DANCING BABIES!!!  Hello, she loves to dance!