If you’re new to the cloth diaper world this may come as a surprise to you- IKEA sells cloth diapers! These aren’t called cloth diapers, they’re named burp cloths, but they’re the PERFECT size and material to use as a flat.
Some of us old timers remember when they used to carry these, tragically, they were discontinued in 2014. I know I was devastated as were many DDL readers.
A few days ago a friend who knows my love of these diapers tipped me off that they were back so I took my video camera to IKEA and made sure every other reader could benefit from them! They are hard to find, but if you’re an IKEA regular just know that they’re in the baby section with their waterproof mats, changing table covers, and other small soft goods. You may want to check their website to see if they’re in stock at your local store, mine had 18 and I bought 3 packs, Lara bought 1. If word spreads some locations may sell out and everyone hates going to IKEA only to leave without the item they went there for. #theworst
You can use these flats like any others, do fancy folds or a simple pad fold, they work just the same! I love how soft and square they wash up and the fun new star pattern is a bonus.
The best part is the price! At 4.99 for a package of 2 they come in at $2.50 a flat. This is more than you’d pay per flour sack towel but for those who like doing real flat folds these edges won’t wrinkle at the edges and they stay pretty square through washings. They’re also a different, more absorbent weave.