For the 8th time I purchased a ton of pumpkins (evidently not nearly enough, #momfail and #mathfail combined) and gently pestered my son to pose for photos celebrating his birthday. Year 7 was a total nightmare and I failed to mention it here, we are all still traumatized, but year 8 went off easily without a fight or a single tear. How is it that kids can pitch massive fits over things like taking a photo or, I don’t know… taking a shower? I mean, I’ve been asking them to take showers on the regular for their entire lives and they still react surprised and angered at the whole concept. “SHOWER?! WHAT IS THAT!? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME DO THE THING I’VE DONE SINCE ALWAYS THAT KEEPS ME FROM BEING SMELLY? UGH I HATE EVERYTHING.” 8 and almost 10 are fun ages. If you’re reading this you’re probably in the same boat. I hear you and I feel for you…

Yearly Pumpkin Birthday Photos | Photo Project Idea

While I no longer share much to DDL these days (or like, at all 😵) I am always amazed at the OG readers who have stuck around all these years (I mostly see this on my Instagram account @Kim_Rosas)  and who are a part of our original story. DDL was as much a part of my babies’ lives as our family and friends and our story is a little part of your stories as well. It’s heartwarming whenever I recognize readers who I’ve met at MommyCon or that I recognize from our social media interactions. I get to see their babies growing the same way they’ve seen my babies grow from little cloth diapered babies to big boys with an unhealthy obsession with Pokemon cards. Everett is just the sweetest and empathetic little boy (except when asked to shower or brush his teeth) and I’m really proud of the little man he is becoming.

So that’s our update! You can always keep up to date with us on my personal IG @Kim_Rosas and if you want to see what I’m working on the @PutACupInIt IG account and website are keeping my very busy.