This weekend I spotted a very rare species, the “Cloth Diapering Mama.” This species is most likely found in areas where granola is present, i.e.- Boulder, Colorado, Ithaca, New York, San Francisco, California. Rarely is the “Cloth Diapering Mama” found outside of its natural habitat. In this instance I spotted one in Quinnebaug Connecticut! This one admitted to be the only one of her kind in the area. She did say that she is in a rehabilitation program and is trying to breed more “Cloth Diapering Mamas” The “CDMs” almost became extinct in the 1980’s but recently began a breeding program to save their species.
The good news is that there are many such breeding programs happening in areas all over the country to help save the “Cloth Diapering Mama.” When one “CDM” moves to a new area, or spontaneously spawns in their hometown after being exposed to the “Cloth Diapering Bug” through a computer virus on internet forums, the “CDM” usually goes on to breed new “CDMs.”
It is very important for the once almost extinct “Cloth Diapering Mama” to breed. At one point there were so few left that their main source of sustenance, “fluff”, was sitting on shelves un-purchased, gathering dust. “Fluff” took on a new use, as “burp cloths” and lived on, but barely.
Now circles of “CDMs” are being spotted all across the country. Usually it starts with one “CDM.” This “CDM” tells another mom about cloth diapers. That mom starts using them, and she tells another mom. That mom is spotted changing an adorable fluffy butt in the mall, and converts another mom. That mom buys cloth diapers for her pregnant friend’s baby shower. That mom…. etc etc etc. Eventually one of those moms becomes a Real Diaper Association Leader and starts a bonafide Diaper Circle with the intention of promoting awareness of the endangered species, the “Cloth Diapering Mama.” The population is growing so rapidly that the even rarer, “Cloth Diapering Dad” has even been spotted!!!
Visit to find a circle or start your own.