December 12: Jack Sparrow the Elf
December 13: Naughty Stocking/ClothDiaper Switcher Elf
December 14: Doctor Feel Good Elf
December 15: Starbucks Drinking, Laptop Using, Table Hogging Elf
December 16: The Wolf Blitzer wearing (borrowed from The Bloggess) and posing in front of his Painting of a Painting in a Painting…. Elf
December 17: The Angry Birds Playing Elf
December 18: The Sexy Daddy Babywearing Elf
I am hard pressed to pick a favorite from this week. What is yours?
There is still time to make your Elf on the Shelf Pose-able using my Tutorial. You can also browse my past Elf on the Shelf Ideas from Week 1 and Week 2. Happy Elfing!