I was contacted by Natalie from Designer Bums asking if I’d like to review her cloth diapers. I hadn’t heard of the brand so I clicked over to their website. I had two initial reactions: “ZOMG adorable” and “these aren’t from around these parts.” Designer Bums is an Australian brand with a keen focus on the “designer” aspect, meaning their diapers all feature some really amazing prints. The diapers themselves are One Size with a 3-Step Rise, a pocket diaper with stay dry lining, they come with a small and large bamboo fleece insert, have a cotton knit outer with hidden PUL (or minky versions), and are available in both snaps and velcro.
Ease of Use ✩✩✩✩ The Designer Bums are a pretty standard, easy to use pocket diaper. They come in either snaps or velcro so those who appreciate the ease of velcro will like that version. The snaps version doesn’t add too much trouble. The velcro tabs are larger than any other diaper I have ever used before. They were slightly harder to work with in that respect and because they were so long I couldn’t do my normal method of folding the tabs onto the laundry tab as I remove the diaper.
Bang for the Buck ✩✩✩ Designer Bums are an Australian brand and to order you will need to order directly from their store online. They retail for $34.95. They have several prints that are to die for but for US mamas these might be a little pricey. I’m hoping they can come stateside to give the diaper collectors among us a better chance of finding them!
Performance ✩✩✩✩ I was hoping to be able to only use one insert but this gave us some wicking issues since the diaper is covered with a cotton knit. Once I stopped being stubborn and added the second
insert we haven’t experienced any wicking since. The inserts are bamboo fleece and I really love them! Just so happens Ev wets more than what one will handle.
Fit ✩✩✩✩✩ Since these are one size diapers I have Everett on the middle rise snap. This came to right below his belly button and worked great both in the waist and the legs. The diaper does get pretty small (see video for an example) and looks like on the largest rise setting it should work well. My only concern would be the legs since they are tighter than a lot of our daily wear diapers. He had some light red marks but these did not alarm me.
Overall: The Designer Bums ended up working well for us despite a rough start with wicking in the beginning. It is definitely a diaper you will want to use during the day for that reason.The prints are what make this diaper stand out! We also tested a minky version and this one didn’t have a wicking issue.
Where to Buy DesignerBums.au