DDL Loves YOU! 2 Year Blogiversary Celebration

April 9, 2009 was my first post on this blog.  I started out wanting to make videos about cloth diapers to help parents who weren’t able to see them in stores.  I don’t think I had a clue what I was getting myself into!

My videos were clumsy, long, and low quality.  Now they are clumsy, long, and in HD 🙂

I’ve also written about cloth diapers, breastfeeding, babywearing, co-sleeping, potty training, EC, my home life, my homebirth, and random other things that I wanted to type out.

Without all of YOU I would just be typing to myself.  Not to mention that I have come to this blog asking YOUR advice and been given it many times.

In the time I have been writing this blog I have watched my first son crawl, walk, talk, potty train, and become a little boy.  I’ve also gotten knocked up, given birth in my bedroom, and watched that baby go from newborn to gigantic baby in the blink of an eye.

Sometimes I forget that I am a “public” figure and you are all sharing those moments with me as well.  I have always enjoyed sharing, but when the time comes I will scale back the personal aspect of this blog to respect the privacy of my boys.  Until then, enjoy their adorable pictures!

In a world full of cloth diaper blogs (surprisingly, lol) I’m grateful you all come and visit mine and tell your friends about me.  I occasionally see links and posts on various messageboards about my website and usually the poster says very nice things about my little blog.  Those make my day!

To celebrate, the entire week is going to be dedicated to giveaways of brands and products that I “love.”  I have had the opportunity to work with some pretty awesome companies over the past 2 years and the giveaways this week are just a small sampling of those.  Look forward to giveaways from Sustainable Babyish, Rockin’ Green, Maxwell Designs, Modern Cloth, and Charlie Banana.

Lastly, I have to say a HUGE thank you to all of the current and past sponsors of my website.  DDL doesn’t pay the bills but the support of advertisers does help.

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