I have a bizarre tendency to collect potties. Maybe because they are handy when you are ECing babies to have in random rooms around the house, or maybe they are drawn to me.
When we moved into this new house and unpacked I started putting potties into the newly shelved and painted linen closet and discovered that I had more than I realized. It suddently became less of a linen closet and more or a potty museum.
[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Six. I had six potties. And one Flippee.[/typography]Each potty has advantages and I’m sure you are wondering which is my favorite but I don’t have ONE. Potties are like diapers- some work better for babies/toddlers at different sizes and ages. I’m comparing all of the potties I own to one another for a little “Potty Showdown.” *Some links in this post are to an affiliate but as you can see, these are all products I own and opinions of them are 100% honest.
The Baby Bjorn Little Potty was my very first. When I heard about ECing (infant potty training) I knew I wanted to try it with Fletcher. He was 6 months at the time so I needed a tiny potty and this one was highly recommended by ECers. It was definitely small enough for new walkers to sit on by themselves but for taller toddlers it is actually too short and will make the children feel like they are falling if they back onto the seat. Best age range for this seat is about newborn to 2 years. These have been discontinued and replaced with the Smart Potty-the only different seems to be that it has a removable bowl to make cleaning easier.
The Ikea Potty is attractive because it is so cheap- only $5.00 new. The drawback is that not everyone has an Ikea and they do not ship these. They are slightly taller than the Bjorn Little Potty. I like them as a cheap “stash thickener” if you are ECing and need a few extras for upstairs or maybe your car but as a full time potty it isn’t comfortable. The seat left red marks on my son’s bottom and he complained about not liking it. Best age range is newborn to three years since it is taller, but be warned that they have a shallow dip so if your little one takes a “big boy” poop it could very well reach their bottoms!
The Prince Lionheart Potty Pod is a king among potties if only for the size. It has a huge footprint compared to others. It also comes with some “bells and whistles” like a removable bowl for easier cleaning (versus washing a small but entire potty over and over) and a “deflector shield” which can be VERY handy when you have boys. The seat is also cushioned so when you are in that phase of training when you have the kids sit and wait for magic to happen while you read books it is more comfortable. In the long run this potty wasn’t our cup if tea but only because of the size. It is nice for the larger toddlers because it is higher to accomodate their longer legs. Best age range is 1 years and up. (They also make a Basic, cheaper, and smaller version of this called the PottyPod Basix and a seat insert called the WeePod that looks super nice.
The Baby Bjorn Toilet Trainer is a seat insert for the toilet. This is our go-to seat once the kids are older and ready to “get down to business” and full on potty train. I’ve ECed with it too for sure, but when we transition to making it full time this is the seat. It has an internal adjustment to make it fit any size toilet and by turning that wheel to widen or tighten the fit it keeps it from wobbling. The LAST thing you want is when potty training is a wiggly seat- it will make your children nervous. It also helps the rubber seal that keeps pee from going under the seat and onto your toilet seat. It has a shield for boys who sit and pee (very handy) and a loop at the back to hang it from a potty hook on your toilet or elsewhere (also handy). It is somewhat bare bones but has the exact features I want in a seat and therefore is my number one potty seat recommendation. Suitable from about 8-10 months and up.
The Folding Potty Seat is what it is. It is really, for me, a seat you use at a friend or family member’s home, or in public. It’s only purpose is to make the toilet seat opening smaller so that your child feels more confident and comfortable sitting. Some children are fine to be held on a larger potty seat and won’t need it. The only reason we ever used this was because my boys noticed the character and wanted to use it on our seat at home. It gives under weight and feels like it dips in and it slips and slides. Fine in a pinch for those kids who refuse to sit in a big seat but not my favorite. It is nice that it folds though. Really best for toddlers 1.5 years old or more. See also the popular Potette with disposable inserts (or use your own cloth ones and carry a wet bag) for public potty using.
The Flippee is one of those crazy things I bought because I was sick of cleaning little boy pee from the crevices of the toilet behind the seat. Moms of little girls- no need to read this paragraph. I trained my oldest boy to pee standing from the get-go. It was the only way it “clicked” for him and set on the road to potty success. We used the cheerio in the toilet method for teaching aim but little boys often daydream so the wee-wee would wander and end up spraying on the toilet or elsewhere. The Flippee attaches to the seat creating a shield, like a urinal, and deflects any pee back into the toilet. Yes you end up cleaning that but it has no cracks in it and when not in use it flips to the underside of the toilet. I loved this thing but sadly it is not longer made. You can find little urinals if that is your thing. I actually really like the looks of this VkTech one (shown in image) and might order it for Everett. He still pees sitting down.
I am SO NOT a fan of those elaborate and hideous character potties or those that looks like tiny toilets. I don’t like the ones that sing, dance, or have flashing lights. I might be in the minority but I see no reason for them. When I looks for a potty I want something that is 1. Easy to Clean and 2. Sleek and Modern looking. Clenaing pee from stickers on a potty, and around lights, etc, is not my idea of fun.
When it comes down to it- any seat will work but the end goal is to get your child using the big potty. If you are starting to train and you have an older child just go for a seat insert. The reason I love ECing is that even if done on a very part-time basis, it introduces your child to the potty at a young age and takes the fear out of potty training and using a BIG toilet.