Cloth Diapers Doing Good Things

I love the cloth diaper community.  In general, we are a caring group of women (and even men) who are doing good things just by offering reusable diapering options.  If you ask anyone who makes or sells cloth diapers for help they don’t hesitate.

But many brands go above and beyond just making and selling cloth diapers.  Many use their diapers to do good things and raise money for chosen charities, or even provide cloth diapers to those in need.  I’d like to list those brands here.  If you are looking to buy cloth diapers and support a good cause, this is a great place to discover new brands to try while feeling good about your purchase.



“Every time you purchase an enviprint diaper, we help support mom4mom ministries!
Every time you purchase an envipurple diaper, we donate $2 to special needs orginazation!
Every time you purchase an envigreen diaper, we donate $2 to Food for the Hungry!
Every time you purchase an enviaqua diaper, we donate $2 to Living Water International!
Every time you purchase an enviyellow diaper, we donate $2 to Helping Hands in Africa!
Every time you purchase an envired diaper, we donate $2 to Salvation Army!
Every time you purchase an envipink diaper, we donate $2 to Crisis Pregnancy Center!
Every time you purchase an enviwhite diaper, we donate $2 to Homes of Hope!
Every time you purchase an mom4mom diaper cover, we give another cover to a mom in need!
Every time you purchase a enviprint mom4mom ministries!”

Learn more…. [/box]

[box]Little Bee Co.

“With every diaper purchased The Little Bee Co. will donate a diaper to an orphan in need. Once enough diapers are collected for each baby of one entire orphanage, a “Diaper Drop” is organized to deliver the diapers and help in assisting the orphanage workers with their transition to modern cloth. The diapers donated are the same diapers we sell. Every baby deserves the same high quality we choose for our own baby!

We are currently working with orphanages is Africa, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, & Cambodia in organizing future Drops.”

To see more of the good work that The Little Bee Co. is doing, and to see heartwarming images of their diapers in use at the Serving His Children mission in Uganda, visit their Diaper Drops page.  [/box]

[box] Charlie Banana

“Charlie Banana® proudly supports Operation Smile, an international medical charity that provides free reconstructive surgeries to children suffering from cleft lip, cleft palate, and other facial deformities. One surgery costs as little as $240.00 USD, and Charlie Banana® will donate 1% of all sales worldwide towards this effort. By purchasing Charlie Banana® products, you can help change a child’s life. We thank you for your support.”[/box]


[box] Cotton Babies 

“We want to give in a practical way towards the ministries of people who are giving their life to strategically spread the gospel among the unreached. The Diaper Grant for Missionaries is a practical way that we can make a positive impact on a missionary family’s life on an ongoing basis.”

From what I can tell, the Diaper Grant is also used to provide diapers to orphanages as well, a worthwhile cause.  Those interested can also make donations, either towards diapers for missionaries or diapers for orphanages, on their website.[/box]

[box] Fuzzibunz

“Giving back is important and paramount to us at FuzziBunz®. We take great pride in helping families—we help them keep diaper rash at bay, save them money, and encourage an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Over the past decade, we have been committed to helping others in need through our FuzziBunz® Gives Back program. We support orphanages all over the world by giving them modern cloth diapers to use, we raise funds and supplies for natural disasters at home and abroad, and we are committed to helping raise awareness and funds for Autism Speaks, an organization that has personally touched our founder and CEO’s life.”   Learn more… [/box] [box] Smart Bottoms

Smart Bottoms donates all of their seconds or discontinued products to an orphanage in Haiti.  The Haiti Foundation will be washing the diapers by hand.  Smart Bottoms is also taking donations to send out, including cloth diaper covers, pre-folds, and flats.  [/box]

There are many other companies helping to make the world a better place but these are the ones that immediately came to mind.  If you know of a diaper company doing great things please let me know in the comments.

*please note that my posting does not necessarily mean that I agree with, or support all of the charitable organizations listed.  I do support the brands’ right to support charities of their choosing.

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