Yesterday was a good day for cloth diapers and EC.  First, Mayim Bialik, TV’s “Blossom” from the 1990’s, was interviewed by Ali Landry on “Spotlight to Nightlight” about her unconventional parenting techniques.  Of course to most of us, these aren’t “unconventional” techniques, they are just how we roll.  Mayim uses cloth diapers with her children, she practices Elimination Communication, she co-sleeps, breastfeeds on demand, she homeschools, and she is an all around great mommy!  She explained EC in a way that was easy to understand.  I think many people just learned what EC is thanks to Mayim’s interview.  To read the interview and to watch a video which includes a photo of her son wearing a Bum Genius 3.0, click the link. “Mayim Bialik on “Spotlight to Nightlight”
Opening Of Cavalia
Smartipants also made it to television on “Good Day LA.”  I am going to admit that I hate this show thanks to the hilarious clips I have seen on ‘The Soup.”  It seems a little, well, crazy.  The good news is that Smartipants, whose video review you can watch here, was featured as a hip new product for economical parents.  They review went over the stay dry liner, the absorbent insert, and how to get rid of poop.  I wish they would have mentioned that the insert agitates out in the wash, and that you can get a diaper sprayer to get rid of poop.  I am afraid by telling parents you “shake off” the poop that many will be turned off of cloth diapering.  Otherwise, it was really cool to see Smartipants on TV.  They are a great company with an affordable diaper which works so great.  I love my Smartipants!

click to see video
click to see video

Click to see Smartipants on Good Day LA!