This video is just a run down of the various diapers that will work on a newborn. Just because a diaper was not included in the video does not mean it hasn’t worked for us, I just had limited time and wanted to highlight a few types and brands.
Brands included in the video:
- Sustainable Babyish Flat
- Kissaluvs Size 0 Fitted
- Little Beetle Little to Big Fitted
- Baby Beehinds Newborn Cover
- Kissaluvs Marvel One Size Cover
- lil Joey’s
- bumGenius! XS AIO
- Fuzzibunz XS
- Ragababe NB AIO
- Happy Heiny’s Mini One Size
- Thirsties Duo Size 1
- Ragababe Step 2 Size 0
- Happy Heiny’s One Size
- bumGenius! Elemental One Size
- bumGenius 4.0 in Snaps and Velcro
- Fuzzibunz One Size
- Charlie Banana One Size
- Rocky Mountain One Size
- Softbums Omni